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Transitioning to true hybrid work collaboration

Most employees would still like to work remotely at least some of the time, reinforcing the sentiment that we will never return to the fully office-based environment of the past. Embracing the tools and platforms that enable hybrid work will be critical. But these need to balance security and bandwidth concerns with a willingness to [...]

5 Ways the right VoIP platform sets your business up for success

Since its introduction in the market, more and more companies have switched from using regular phone lines to Voice over Internet Protocol (or VoIP).  In South Africa, the ageing copper infrastructure and limited capabilities of traditional fixed line telephony make for compelling reasons to look at VoIP as a more scalable, flexible and agile telephony [...]

The phone is dead, long live the (digital) phone

In the not too distant future, half of the world’s connected population will be using collaboration tools. As part of this shift towards an integrated, digital way of working, how we view the phone will also change. Thanks to the growth of Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, and Zoom, this has already started to happen. Considering [...]

8 Benefits of Mobile APN for Businesses

You might have heard about a mobile APN before, but what really is it and how does it benefit businesses?  We’ll give you the rundown on exactly what to expect from a mobile APN solution and how it can streamline your business’ communications.  Let’s find out a little bit more about APN below In this [...]

Too big to fail. Too large to care – why small tech means business

Too Big to Fail (TBTF) is a theory that over time has become synonymous in banking and finance industries. It is built on the tenet, that certain corporations, particularly financial institutions, become so large and so interconnected that their failure would be disastrous to the greater economic system and that they, therefore, must be supported [...]

Welcome to the world of BYOC

Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) will usher in one of the next big shifts in the cloud communications landscape and has already become a key trend in the communications platform as a service (CPaaS) market. In essence, BYOC gives businesses the choice of carrier they want to use in their Unified Communication as a Service [...]

Multinational hyperscalers vital for SA digital growth

Ostensibly, the government's recently published Draft National Data and Cloud Policy aims to ‘accelerate interventions focusing on unlocking investment opportunities’ and to ‘put in place a conducive and enabling environment for the data ecosystem to thrive’. But upon closer inspection it looks to introduce regulatory practices that can be seen as primarily targeting the multinational [...]

POPIA – A cybersecurity perspective

On 1 July this year, the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) became enforceable. A process that was set in motion in 2013 has finally reached fruition with the focus on organisations having to keep the personally identifiable data of their customers as safe and secure as possible. The question now turns to the impact [...]

Intrusion Detection System – a business imperative

From 2005 to 2020, almost 160 million individuals were affected by data breaches in the United States alone. In April last year, more than 500 000 Zoom accounts were found for sale on the Dark Web. As if that is not bad enough, it takes an average of 228 days to identify a breach and [...]

VOIP For Small Businesses – Is It Worth It?

Small businesses might have heard the term VoIP - but they might not be too sure why it should matter to them and their organisation in particular. Businesses might have legacy phone systems that use analog or ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Network) phone lines to make and receive calls. Small businesses are no strangers [...]

8 benefits of cloud migration & how to migrate

Are you considering moving your business to the cloud? Having your business  in the cloud provides a variety of opportunities to benefit  operations and improve processes in your organisation. Here is everything you need to know about cloud migration and why you should do it as soon as possible. We’ll also give you an overview [...]

Is your cloud strategy enabled the right way?

If not implemented properly, moving to the cloud can become a costly exercise for any business. Success lies in identifying your key objectives and then utilising and harnessing the offering that best suits your operation. “The first step,” says Joshua Grunewald, Cloud Hosting manager at SAICOM, “is understanding your motivation, where your pain points are, […]

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