Unlocking the Power of Microsoft Teams Direct Routing: Reduce Costs, Increase Productivity, and Simplify Communication

In the rapidly evolving business communication landscape, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As organisations increasingly shift to remote and hybrid work models, the need for a seamless, efficient, and cost-effective communication system becomes paramount. Enter Microsoft Teams Direct Routing, a solution that not only streamlines communication but also significantly reduces costs, boosts productivity, and simplifies the overall communication infrastructure.

The Rise of Microsoft Teams for PSTN Voice

Microsoft Teams has seen explosive growth, becoming a central hub for collaboration in many organisations. According to recent statistics, over 270 million monthly active users are leveraging Teams for their communication and collaboration needs. A significant portion of this user base is also transitioning their Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) voice services to Teams, recognising the immense benefits it offers.

A study conducted by Forrester Consulting for Microsoft highlights several key benefits of integrating Teams for voice services:

  • 291% Return on Investment (ROI): Companies reported a substantial ROI from using Microsoft Teams, reflecting significant cost savings and efficiency gains.
  • <6 months Payback Period: Organisations saw a payback period of less than six months after going live with Microsoft Teams.
  • $33.9M Benefits Present Value: The efficiencies from communicating and collaborating within Teams resulted in a present value benefit of $33.9 million.
  • $8M Three-Year Benefit: Improved and integrated communication with Teams Phone delivered an $8 million benefit over three years.

Cost Reduction: Streamline Your Communication Expenses

One of the most compelling reasons to consider Microsoft Teams Direct Routing is the potential for cost savings. Traditional telephony systems come with high costs associated with hardware, maintenance, and separate service providers. With Direct Routing, these costs are significantly reduced. Here’s how:

  1. Elimination of On-Premise Hardware: By moving to a cloud-based system, businesses can avoid the hefty capital expenditure on PBX hardware and its ongoing maintenance costs.
  2. Lower Call Charges: Direct Routing allows companies to choose their own telecom providers, often leading to more competitive call rates.
  3. Consolidated Billing: Integrating PSTN services with Teams streamlines billing, reducing administrative overhead and simplifying budget management.

Increasing Productivity: Unify Your Communication Tools

Productivity is at the heart of any successful business. Microsoft Teams Direct Routing enhances productivity by integrating voice services into a single, unified platform. Here’s why this matters:

  1. Seamless Integration: With Direct Routing, employees can make and receive calls directly within Teams, without the need to switch between different applications. This integration leads to more efficient workflows and reduces the time spent on managing multiple communication tools.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Teams Direct Routing supports a range of features such as call transfer, call queues, and auto attendants, all of which enhance collaboration and ensure that the right calls reach the right people.
  3. Remote Work Enablement: As remote work becomes more prevalent, having a reliable, integrated communication system that works from anywhere is essential. Teams Direct Routing ensures that your employees stay connected and productive, no matter where they are.

Reducing Complexity: Simplify Your Communication Infrastructure

Managing a complex communication infrastructure can be a daunting task. Microsoft Teams Direct Routing simplifies this by consolidating all communication channels into a single platform. Here’s how it reduces complexity:

  1. Unified Management: With Direct Routing, IT teams can manage all communication services through the Teams admin center, reducing the complexity of managing multiple systems and vendors.
  2. Scalability: As your business grows, scaling your communication infrastructure is seamless with Direct Routing. There’s no need for additional hardware; simply add new users within the Teams platform.
  3. Reliability and Support: Leveraging Microsoft’s robust cloud infrastructure, which is backed by Microsoft’s extensive support network, ensures high availability and reliability.

Real-World Impact: The Shift to Teams for PSTN Voice

The trend of moving PSTN voice to Microsoft Teams is gaining momentum. Gartner predicts that by 2025, over 80% of enterprise voice services will be cloud-based, with a significant portion utilising Microsoft Teams Direct Routing. A 2023 survey by Nemertes Research found that 63% of organisations have either implemented or are planning to implement Microsoft Teams Direct Routing to replace their traditional PBX systems. Additionally, Microsoft reported a 50% year-over-year increase in the number of organisations using Teams as their primary telephony solution.

Furthermore, Forrester’s study underscores the tangible benefits organisations are experiencing:

  • Office/Knowledge Worker Efficiencies: Increased collaboration within Microsoft Teams is estimated to save organisations $19.6 million over three years by reducing email traffic and time spent in formal meetings.
  • Frontline Worker Efficiencies: Communication and collaboration improvements for frontline workers are projected to save $14.3 million over three years.
  • Administrative Efficiencies: Streamlining and automating workflows within Teams contribute an estimated $8.1 million in savings.
  • Announcements Platform Efficiencies: Using Teams for time-sensitive communications and training can save organisations over $3.3 million.
  • Legacy Solution Retirement: Cost savings from retiring redundant collaboration platforms and equipment are estimated at $1.1 million.
  • Reduced Service Tickets: Implementing chatbots in Teams to handle common queries can save an additional $645,000.

Embrace the Future of Communication with Saicom

At Saicom, we specialise in helping businesses harness the power of Microsoft Teams Direct Routing. Our tailored solutions ensure a smooth transition, optimised for cost savings, productivity gains, and simplified management.

By partnering with us, you can unlock the full potential of Microsoft Teams, transforming your communication infrastructure into a strategic asset that drives business success. Ready to reduce costs, increase productivity, and simplify your communication? Explore our Microsoft Teams Direct Routing solution here and take the first step towards a more efficient future.

Incorporating Microsoft Teams Direct Routing into your organisation is more than just an upgrade—it’s a strategic move towards a more streamlined, cost-effective, and productive communication environment. Join the growing number of businesses making the switch and experience the transformative benefits for yourself.

Greg de Chasteauneuf, Chief Technology Officer at Saicom

10 Benefits of Server Virtualization For Businesses

In today’s IT landscape, server virtualisation plays a pivotal role by optimising hardware resources and enhancing overall efficiency within a virtual environment.

This post will delve into the numerous benefits of virtualisation, such as improved utilization of server hardware, cost savings, simplified management, and increased scalability within a virtual environment.

Read on to discover how server virtualisation can transform your IT infrastructure and maximize the use of your hardware resources.

Key takeaways

  • By creating multiple virtual environments on a single server, server virtualization maximizes hardware utilization, enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and simplifies management.
  • Virtualization ensures high service uptime and enhances business continuity, using features like live migration and fault tolerance to simplify and strengthen backup and recovery processes.
  • It provides flexibility and scalability by enabling dynamic resource allocation, allowing businesses to easily adapt to fluctuations in demand.

What is server virtualization?

Server virtualisation is the process of creating multiple virtual environments on a single server. By partitioning a physical server into several isolated virtual servers, it maximizes hardware utilisation, reduces costs, and simplifies management.

Server virtualisation plays a crucial role in modern computing environments by enabling the efficient use of physical resources. It involves consolidating physical resources into virtual resources, allowing multiple virtual environments to run on a single server. This technology underpins cloud computing, where cloud resources are dynamically allocated and managed. Hypervisors, the core technology behind server virtualisation, facilitate the creation and management of these virtual servers, enhancing flexibility and scalability.

Virtual servers vs physical servers: what’s the difference?

A physical server requires dedicated hardware, higher maintenance, and is less scalable compared to a virtual server. Virtual servers, or virtual machines, share hardware resources, reducing costs and improving scalability and capabilities.

Virtual servers offer greater flexibility and resource efficiency than traditional physical server setups. By allowing multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical server, they optimize hardware usage and simplify management. This resource consolidation reduces operational costs and enhances the ability to quickly adapt to changing workloads and demands, making virtual servers ideal for dynamic environments.

How does server virtualization help an organisation?

Server virtualisation offers numerous operational benefits for organizations, including significant cost reduction by optimising hardware usage, improved disaster recovery through easier backups and replication, and enhanced business continuity by quickly reallocating virtual resources in case of failures.

The benefits of virtualisation also include increased agility and speed in deploying new applications and services. By allocating virtual resources dynamically, organisations can quickly scale up or down, reducing the time and effort required to launch and manage new initiatives, thereby staying competitive in fast-paced markets.

10 Key Advantages Of Server Virtualization

Server virtualisation is a game-changing approach that optimises IT infrastructures, transforming how businesses manage their hardware resources. By creating multiple virtual environments on a single server, organizations can significantly enhance efficiency and flexibility.

The benefits of server virtualisation are numerous, including cost reduction, enhanced disaster recovery, and improved resource utilisation. These advantages set the stage for more detailed exploration in the following sections. Read on to discover how server virtualisation can revolutionise your IT operations and drive business success.

1. Reduce Hardware Costs With Smart Consolidation

Consolidating multiple virtual servers on a single physical server significantly reduces hardware spending. By running multiple virtual machines on one physical server, organisations need fewer servers overall, leading to substantial savings on purchasing and maintaining hardware. This server consolidation maximises resource utilisation and minimises the need for additional physical infrastructure.

Additionally, the reduction in the number of physical servers lowers power and cooling requirements, contributing further to cost savings. With fewer machines to power and cool, organisations experience lower energy consumption and reduced operating costs. This not only cuts expenses but also supports environmental sustainability by decreasing the data centre’s carbon footprint.

2. Enhance Uptime & Maintain Business Continuity

Virtualisation features like live migration and fault tolerance are pivotal in maintaining high service uptime. Live migration allows virtual machines to move seamlessly between physical servers without downtime, while fault tolerance ensures continuous operation by mirroring virtual machines. These increased uptime features are essential for reliable IT infrastructure.

These virtualisation capabilities are crucial for ensuring business continuity. By leveraging full virtualisation and cloud computing, organisations can quickly recover from hardware failures and maintain critical services without interruption. This resilience is vital for minimising downtime and protecting against data loss, ensuring business operations remain smooth and uninterrupted even during unforeseen disruptions.

3. Fast-Track Recovery: Streamlining Disaster Response

Virtualisation streamlines the backup and recovery process, making it less complex and time-consuming. By encapsulating each virtual machine into a single file, backups become more straightforward and can be easily automatedy. This simplified disaster recovery process ensures quicker service restoration and minimises downtime during unexpected disruptions.

The efficiency of virtual machine replication across different physical servers or data centres further enhances disaster response. Virtual machines can be quickly replicated to remote locations, including cloud services, ensuring data integrity and availability. This capability allows organisations to maintain business continuity, even in the face of significant hardware failures or site-wide disasters, by swiftly switching to backup environments.

4. Enhance Server Provisioning and Deployment

Deploying new servers is made faster and simpler with virtualisation software, eliminating the need for dedicated physical hardware. This agility enables organisations to provision servers swiftly to meet evolving demands without the delay of acquiring and configuring new hardware. With virtualisation, specific server hardware is no longer a bottleneck, allowing for more efficient allocation of resources and reducing deployment time significantly.

Moreover, virtualisation plays a crucial role in supporting rapid development and testing environments. Creating virtual copies of production environments allows developers and testers to

work independently without impacting live systems. Virtualisation facilitates the creation of isolated environments that closely mirror production, enabling thorough testing and faster development cycles. This flexibility enhances collaboration between development and operations teams, leading to more robust applications and quicker time-to-market.

In essence, virtualisation revolutionises server provisioning and deployment by decoupling software from physical hardware. This decoupling accelerates deployment, increases resource utilisation, and reduces costs associated with maintaining dedicated server hardware. By leveraging virtualisation, organisations can adapt to changing business requirements more swiftly and efficiently, gaining a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market landscape.

5. Increase Energy Efficiency: Green & Cost-effective

Server virtualisation significantly reduces energy consumption by consolidating multiple virtual servers onto fewer physical servers. With fewer physical servers needed to support the same workload, energy usage decreases, resulting in lower electricity bills and reduced carbon emissions. This more efficient use of computing resources aligns with environmental sustainability goals while also yielding cost savings for organisations.

Furthermore, the environmental benefits of increased energy efficiency extend beyond cost savings. By reducing electricity consumption, server virtualisation helps mitigate the environmental impact of data centres, contributing to a greener planet. Organisations can demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility by adopting energy-efficient technologies like virtualisation, thus fostering a positive reputation and contributing to a sustainable future.

6. Maximize Resource Utilization For Peak Performance

Virtualization allows for dynamic resource allocation based on demand, ensuring optimal use of server capacity. This means that virtualization technology can adjust computing resources in real-time, providing the necessary processing power when and where it’s needed most. This adaptability maximizes the efficiency of server consolidation to consolidate physical resources effectively.

In traditional server setups, resources are often underutilized because the tasks being run may not require all those resources. Virtualization, however, enables the allocation and reallocation of resources such as CPU, memory, and storage without downtime. This capability ensures that computing resources are always optimized for performance, supporting seamless operations and preventing disruptions. By leveraging virtualization technology, organizations can achieve peak performance and maintain high levels of productivity.

7. Simplify Data Center Management

Centralised management of virtual servers simplifies data centre operations and maintenance. With virtualisation, administrators can oversee and control multiple virtual servers from a single interface, reducing administrative overhead. This streamlined approach allows for easier monitoring, troubleshooting, and resource allocation, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity. Additionally, tasks such as applying updates or making hardware upgrades become more manageable as they no longer require individual attention to each physical server.

Management software plays a crucial role in monitoring and managing virtual environments. These tools provide administrators with comprehensive insights into the health and performance of virtual servers, enabling proactive management and timely interventions to prevent potential issues. From resource allocation to security management, management software automates routine tasks and ensures optimal utilization of computing assets. By leveraging such tools, organisations can streamline data centre management, improve responsiveness to changing demands, and maintain the integrity of critical data more effectively.

8. Enhance Security By Isolating Applications & Activities

Virtualisation enhances security by isolating applications, and reducing vulnerability to attacks. Each application can run within its own virtual machine, isolated from other applications and the underlying infrastructure. This isolation prevents malware or attacks targeting one application from spreading to others, enhancing overall data security and protecting critical data.

Additionally, virtualisation simplifies the implementation and management of security policies across virtual machines. Security policies can be centrally defined and applied uniformly to all virtual machines, ensuring consistent protection across the entire virtualised environment. This centralised approach streamlines security management tasks such as access control, encryption, and intrusion detection, making it easier for administrators to enforce best practices and respond promptly to emerging threats. By leveraging virtualisation for security isolation and policy management, organisations can strengthen their defence against cyber threats and safeguard their critical data more effectively.

9. Compatible With Legacy Applications

Virtual environments capable of hosting multiple operating systems. This compatibility ensures that legacy applications, designed to run on older systems, can continue to function seamlessly alongside modern applications on updated infrastructure.

Maintaining access to legacy applications through virtualisation eliminates the need for outdated physical servers, resulting in significant cost savings. Organisations can consolidate their hardware resources, retiring old servers while still preserving access to critical legacy applications within their own virtual environments. This cost-effective approach minimises maintenance expenses associated with maintaining obsolete hardware, optimising IT budgets for other strategic initiatives.

10. Scalable & Flexible To Suit Operations

Virtualisation enables businesses to scale up or down easily without significant hardware investments. By creating virtual environments, organisations can allocate resources dynamically, adding or removing virtual machines as needed to accommodate changing workloads. This scalability allows businesses to adapt quickly to fluctuations in demand without the expense and complexity of acquiring new physical hardware.

Additionally, virtualisation provides flexibility in managing and adjusting to changing business needs. With automated operations and greater workload mobility, organisations can optimise resource usage and respond swiftly to evolving requirements. Virtual machines can be migrated seamlessly between physical servers or data centres, ensuring efficient resource utilisation and minimal disruption to ongoing operations. This flexibility empowers businesses to reallocate computing resources based on priorities, maximising efficiency and agility in meeting strategic objectives. By leveraging virtualisation, organisations can build a dynamic IT infrastructure that aligns seamlessly with their operational goals and growth strategies.

Final thoughts on the benefits of server virtualization

In conclusion, server virtualisation offers a myriad of advantages, from cost reduction to enhanced disaster recovery and simplified management. It’s a crucial component of modern IT strategies, providing businesses with the flexibility and efficiency needed to thrive in today’s dynamic landscape.

Explore our offerings and tap into the power of virtualisation for your organisation’s success. Saicom offers comprehensive solutions, including Private Cloud, Compute Solutions, and Data Management, to help businesses leverage the benefits of virtualisation.

For further insights and guidance on server virtualisation and related topics, visit the SAICOM blog. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us to start implementing server virtualisation and unlocking its full potential in your business operations.

How To Find The Right Mobile APN Provider In South Africa

In South Africa’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, selecting the right mobile APN provider is crucial for seamless connectivity and robust online performance. 

This guide provides essential insights into navigating the complexities of APN services and making an informed choice. Whether you’re a business seeking enhanced security, a startup in need of scalable solutions, or simply aiming for reliable internet access, understanding the nuances of various APN options is key. 

Dive in to discover how to find a mobile APN provider in South Africa that aligns perfectly with your connectivity needs and digital goals.

Key takeaways

  • APNs’ central role: APNs are critical for seamless, secure mobile connectivity, vital in South Africa’s growing digital economy.
  • Managed APNs benefits: Offer better security, flexibility, and efficient data management, ideal for businesses needing tailored network solutions.
  • Specialised APN services: South Africa’s APN providers cater to diverse needs, from IoT specialisation to enhanced security, ensuring wide-ranging support.
  • Importance of network performance: Superior network performance and reliability are crucial for maintaining efficient operations and customer satisfaction.
  • Security and device compatibility: Essential considerations include robust security features and wide-ranging device compatibility to safeguard data and ensure seamless connectivity.
  • Management tools and support: High-quality APN services come with comprehensive management portals and expert support, enhancing operational control and problem resolution.

Understanding mobile APN services & providers in South Africa

In the burgeoning digital age, mobile connectivity plays a key role in shaping businesses, fostering education, and facilitating day-to-day activities.

For South Africa, a nation experiencing a digital renaissance, understanding the intricacies of mobile APN services and providers isn’t merely an advantage but a necessity.

Here’s a deep dive into the role and importance of APN services and providers.

multiple sim cards of different colours used to connect to an APN

The essence of APN services

At the heart of our devices’ reliable connectivity lies the Access Point Name (APN). It serves as a critical bridge, ensuring the seamless flow of data between SIM cards and company networks via the carrier’s infrastructure.

An APN’s primary function is to securely tether your mobile device’s SIM card to specific networks, be it a public APN, private APN, or shared APN.

Managed APNs – a cut above the rest

Managed APNs are gaining ground, especially for businesses prioritising enhanced security and efficient data management. Compared to traditional public APNs, managed APNs offer:

  • Enhanced Security – With threats escalating in the digital realm, managed APNs provide an additional layer of protection, minimising potential breaches.
  • Flexibility & Scalability – Businesses can modify settings based on their evolving needs, ensuring sustainable growth.
  • Private IP Addresses – Unlike the commonly used public addresses, managed APNs allow for unique private IP addresses, boosting security and tailored network configurations.
  • Pooled Data – A standout feature of managed APNs is the ability to pool data, ensuring that resources are judiciously utilised and costs are managed more effectively.

Advanced features for the discerning user

As technology pivots towards more integrated and interconnected solutions, businesses and users should look out for APN providers offering:

IoT-ready endpoint security – With the Internet of Things (IoT) revolutionising industries, having APN services that are prepared for these advancements is crucial.

Customisable firewalling – To ensure data safety, some APN providers offer firewalling options that can be tailored to specific security requirements.

Customisable SIM options – Catering to a range of devices and applications, these ensure that connectivity remains unhindered regardless of the device in use.

In wrapping up, as South Africa continues to advance its digital footprint, the importance of understanding and choosing the right APN service becomes ever more salient.

Whether opting for a public APN, private APN, shared APN, or a managed APN, the decision profoundly impacts the security, efficiency, and potential of one’s digital endeavours. In a related post we explore the benefits of mobile APNs for businesses.

sim card being inserted into a mobile phone

Types of APN providers in South Africa

South Africa boasts a diverse array of APN providers, catering to the unique and evolving demands of its vibrant digital landscape. These providers offer varied services across major networks, ensuring seamless connectivity regardless of the chosen mobile network.

Interoperability is a notable feature, wherein certain providers ensure their APN services can effortlessly integrate across multiple mobile networks. This ensures that users, especially businesses, don’t find themselves tethered to a single network and can transition based on their requirements without sacrificing the benefits of their chosen APN provider.

APN provider specialisations – meeting diverse needs

APN providers in South Africa have evolved beyond mere connectivity providers. Recognising the multifaceted demands of different sectors, many have crafted bespoke offerings, including:

  • IoT & M2M specialisation – The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication has paved the way for APN providers specialising in these domains. Catering primarily to sectors such as logistics, healthcare, and retail, these providers offer seamless connectivity solutions, ensuring devices and machinery communicate effortlessly. With advancements such as NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT), APN providers are further elevating the game, providing low-power wide area network technology solutions.
  • Robust security features – In an era where data is invaluable, security becomes paramount. Certain APN providers recognise this and specialise in offering advanced security features. These are especially attractive for businesses handling sensitive information, ensuring that their mobile data and cellular data remain impervious to threats.
  • Network diversity – While specialisation is a hallmark of modern APN providers, versatility in terms of network compatibility remains crucial. The best providers ensure their services are robust across mobile networks, ensuring businesses and individual users enjoy unhindered connectivity.

In summary, the realm of mobile APN providers in South Africa is as diverse as it is dynamic. Whether you’re a business venturing into the IoT domain, an enterprise with critical data security needs, or simply seeking reliable connectivity across networks, there’s an APN provider poised to meet your demands.

Contact Saicom today to find your ideal mobile APN solution, tailored to your unique connectivity and security needs.

iPad equipped with a mobile APN service being used to sign for a delivery

8 Steps for selecting the right mobile APN provider in South Africa

To assist during the decision-making process, we’ve outlined eight comprehensive steps that will guide you through evaluating APN providers while considering the requirements of your business.

From understanding your data requirements to considering the level of service and support can offer, each step is designed to help you choose an effective mobile APN solution to suit your needs from the right provider.

1. The importance of network performance, data speed, and reliability

Selecting the ideal mobile APN provider for your business is a pivotal decision that goes beyond mere connectivity. It’s about securing a partnership with a provider that offers superior network performance, lightning-fast data speeds, and unwavering reliability.

This section is dedicated to exploring these essential elements, emphasising their critical role in ensuring seamless business operations, enhancing customer satisfaction, and supporting your scalability ambitions in the digital landscape. Here, we aim to equip you with the necessary insights to make an informed choice, ensuring your business not only stays connected but thrives in the competitive digital ecosystem.

APN provider’s network performance

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the performance of an APN provider stands as a linchpin for businesses to function effectively. When we speak of performance, it is not merely about having a connection; it’s about the quality, speed, and resilience of that connection.

registering package tracking on device connected to mobile APN

Why network speed and resilience matter

Network speed and resilience are crucial for maintaining efficient and reliable mobile connectivity. Below, we explore their importance in ensuring seamless business operations and consistent customer satisfaction.

Seamless operations
Every business, whether it operates predominantly online or not, relies on mobile data connectivity to some degree. Faster network speeds ensure that operations, from sending emails to conducting video conferences or accessing cloud databases, proceed without interruption.

Customer satisfaction
In a world where customers expect instantaneous results, a slight delay caused by slow data connectivity can lead to dissatisfaction. Speedy mobile networks mean faster response times, leading to happier customers and potentially increased business opportunities.

Data-intensive tasks
As businesses integrate more technology, they often deal with larger data sets. Rapid data connectivity is vital, whether it’s a retail outlet managing its inventory or a tech firm running complex algorithms.

Network resilience
Network resilience is about how your chosen APN provider’s network can withstand and recover from difficulties, such as high traffic volumes or external threats. In an era where operations run round the clock, businesses can’t afford prolonged downtimes. A resilient network minimises disruptions.

Security and private networks
Businesses handling sensitive data often seek a private network. These private networks, isolated from public networks, offer enhanced security. The performance of such networks is crucial, ensuring that while data remains secure, it’s also accessible at the required speeds.

In conclusion, when evaluating an APN provider, it’s not just about who can provide a connection, but who can offer swift, resilient, and secure mobile data connectivity. In a business world that waits for no one, ensuring your operations have the best network backing them up is paramount.

Data speeds and reliability

When it comes to choosing a mobile APN provider, many factors are worthy of consideration. However, the most key criteria are data speeds and reliability. The marriage of these two elements holds paramount importance in defining the quality of any mobile connection.

Impacts of reduced speeds and unreliable connections

  • User satisfaction: In an age of instant gratification, a delay of even a few seconds can drastically affect user satisfaction. Whether it’s a video call, streaming service, or a simple web page load, users expect swift responses. Slow data speeds can lead to frustration and a decline in the perceived quality of service.
  • Productivity: For businesses, especially those that rely on real-time data transfers or operate in cloud environments, reduced speeds can be detrimental. Time-sensitive tasks get delayed, potentially leading to financial losses or missed opportunities.
  • Operational processes & transactions: Imagine an online retailer unable to process orders due to a sluggish internet connection, or a bank where transactions timeout due to connectivity issues. A reliable network is not a luxury but a necessity, ensuring operations proceed unhindered and transactions conclude seamlessly.

Factors Affecting Data Speeds and Reliability

  • Type of network: The choice between 4G LTE and 5G can drastically affect speeds. While 4G LTE networks offer speeds up to 100 Mbps, the newer 5G networks boast speeds up to 1 Gbps, enhancing user experiences.
  • User traffic: High traffic, especially in densely populated areas, can reduce individual data speeds. An efficient mobile APN provider should be equipped to manage high traffic volumes effectively.
  • Proximity to cell tower: The closer a mobile device is to a cell tower, the better the signal strength, leading to improved data speeds and connection reliability.
  • Device type: Modern devices are better equipped to handle faster speeds and maintain consistent connectivity. Older devices might not harness the full potential of a high-speed network.
  • Types of data: Streaming HD videos or transferring large files requires more bandwidth than sending emails or browsing text-heavy websites.
  • SIM card configuration: Businesses using multiple SIM cards or those that switch between multiple networks might experience variances in data speeds and reliability, depending on the configurations and capabilities of the respective networks.

In conclusion, the search for the ideal mobile APN provider is anchored in the pursuit of top-notch data speeds and unwavering reliability. In an interconnected world, where every second counts, businesses and individuals alike should prioritise these factors to ensure they remain agile, satisfied, and ahead of the curve.

Ensure your business thrives with Saicom’s exceptional network performance, lightning-fast data speeds, and unmatched reliability. Contact Saicom now to secure a mobile APN solution that supports your growth and operational efficiency.

2. Evaluate APN security and privacy features

In the vast realm of digital communication, one factor stands head and shoulders above the rest: security. As businesses and individuals alike become increasingly interconnected, the necessity of prioritising APN security has never been clearer. It’s not merely about being connected; it’s about ensuring that connection is robustly safeguarded against potential threats.

When selecting a mobile APN provider, security should be a top concern. Quality providers go beyond offering just connections; they present secure avenues through private APN security.

These private APNs not only offer secure connections but also empower users with enhanced control over security settings. The ability to customise network settings to align with unique business needs can be pivotal in ensuring data protection.

In the following sections, we’ll explore the specific security and privacy features provided by APN providers. From the bedrock of secure connection protocols to the nuanced world of customisable firewalling and filtering, we’ll cover what you need to know.

security data visualisation graphic

Assess secure connection protocols

The very fabric of a secure network lies in its connection protocols. It’s these protocols that ensure that every piece of data, every communication transmitted over the network, is not just sent, but sent securely. They encrypt data, turning it into indecipherable code for any potential eavesdropper, ensuring only the intended recipient can access it.

Choosing an APN provider that champions robust secure connection protocols is non-negotiable. Consider providers that utilise VPNs fortified with Internet Protocol security (IPSec). This layer of protection not only ensures encrypted communications but also acts as a bulwark against unauthorised access, safeguarding your business data and communications at every juncture.

In an age where data breaches and cyber threats are, unfortunately, commonplace, the importance of APN security cannot be overstated. A mobile APN provider that prioritises secure connections through features like private APN security should be at the top of your list. After all, in the world of digital connectivity, security isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

networking security being assessed on computer

Find out about customisable firewalling and filtering

The digital realm is a vast and interconnected ecosystem, where data flows continuously like water in a river. However, just as water needs to be purified before consumption, digital data needs its safety filters. Enter the world of customisable firewalling and filtering – the unsung heroes maintaining the sanctity of countless networks across the globe.

Understanding customisable firewalling and filtering

Customisable Firewalling is the overarching boundary of your digital estate. Like a protective barrier, it examines and regulates data packets flowing in and out of a network. 

By adjusting the network settings, users can specifically dictate which type of traffic is allowed or denied. The process, known as packet firewall filtering, scrutinises data packets and decides their fate based on preset criteria.

Filtering digs deeper. Beyond the broad strokes of firewalling, filters work on the finer details. They offer options like:

  1. App-based filtering: Tailors network access at the application level, granting or denying specific apps from accessing the network.
  2. URL filtering: Focuses on web domains. By adjusting these settings, users can block or permit access to specific websites.
  3. DNS-based filtering: Targets domain name requests, thus preventing access to domains that might be deemed harmful or inappropriate.

Combining firewalls with content filtering
When we discuss a content filtering firewall, we’re delving into a hybrid model where both firewalling and filtering functions coalesce.

This model doesn’t just restrict traffic based on source or destination; it takes into account the very content of the data packets. So, with firewall web filtering, it’s not just about where the data comes from, but what the data contains.

The need for customizability in firewalling and filtering

The bespoke nature of business and individual needs necessitates flexibility in security protocols. The importance of ensuring your APN provider offers this level of customisability cannot be understated for several reasons:

  1. Holistic security: While a packet firewall filtering system restricts traffic, adding content filters like app, URL, and DNS-based filtering fortifies the security framework.
  2. Tailored protection: Each business has its unique digital footprint and threat landscape. Customisable settings allow for a defence mechanism tailored to specific needs
  3. Network integrity: A system equipped with both firewalling and advanced content filters ensures that the network remains pure and uncompromised, filtering out both known and emerging threats.

In essence, the journey of selecting an APN provider should undeniably factor in the prowess of their customisable firewalling and filtering offerings. It’s a proactive step that ensures that as the digital world evolves, your security measures remain agile and robust, always keeping pace.

Advance your network’s security with customisable solutions that grow with you. Contact SAICOM today to explore how our APN services can protect and empower your digital journey.

3. Consider a mobile APN’s compatibility with devices

In an age where seamless integration of devices defines the essence of smooth operations, understanding APN compatibility has evolved from technical jargon to a pivotal business decision.

The market offers a wide range of devices – from Android smartphones and Apple devices to intricate routers and the burgeoning M2M IoT devices. The efficiency of these devices doesn’t merely hinge on their individual capabilities but profoundly on how well they synchronise with your chosen mobile APN. In this section, we explore the importance of APN compatibility across various devices.

APN compatibility and its underlying importance

  • Device potential realisation: An Android phone or an Apple device is as good as the network settings it can support. Ensuring APN compatibility means you’re not just connected, but optimally connected, leveraging the full potential of the device in hand.
  • M2M and IoT harmony: The rapidly expanding world of M2M and IoT hinges on uninterrupted and secure data transfer. Choosing an APN provider whose APN solution integrates seamlessly with these devices ensures that data flows, updates are received, and commands are sent without any hitches.
  • Router compatibility: Routers, the gateways of digital ecosystems, need to be compatible with the APN settings they are configured with. An incompatible APN solution can cripple data flow, leading to slowdowns or even total blackouts.
sim card being inserted into a smart phone

Android phones and tablets

Android phones and tablets typically boast broad compatibility with a variety of mobile APNs. This inherent capability ensures that Android users can connect to the internet seamlessly, provided the device supports the specific APN settings of their chosen mobile provider.

The key to a smooth, uninterrupted online experience lies in confirming the compatibility of your Android device with the APN provider. This step is crucial because, despite the wide-ranging support, not all Android devices may align perfectly with every APN provider’s specifications.

The Importance of Compatibility Verification:

Before setting your sights on a particular mobile APN plan, it’s essential to conduct due diligence. Reach out to your APN provider and inquire specifically about the compatibility of your Android device. This proactive approach will save you from potential connectivity issues down the line, ensuring that your device can leverage the full spectrum of internet services offered by your provider without a hitch.

Ensuring Seamless Internet Connectivity:

The digital world demands constant connectivity, and the last thing any user wants is to be hindered by preventable compatibility issues. By verifying the APN settings and ensuring your Android device is fully compatible with your mobile APN provider, you not only safeguard your online experience but also optimise your device’s performance on the network.

In conclusion, while Android devices are designed to be versatile in terms of APN compatibility, the responsibility falls on the user or business to ensure that their device and the chosen APN provider are in sync. By taking this step seriously, Android users can enjoy seamless internet connectivity, making the most out of their mobile experience.

iPhones and iPads

The allure of Apple devices, specifically the iPhone and iPad, often lies in their sleek design, user-friendly interface, and reputation for performance. However, beneath the polished exterior and the captivating display, it’s the device’s ability to connect, communicate, and perform tasks online that forms its core functionality. This is where APN compatibility and APN settings play an integral role.

Universal compatibility with a caveat: 

iPhones and iPads, similar to their Android counterparts, generally possess robust compatibility with a range of mobile APNs. The Apple ecosystem, known for its stringent quality controls, ensures that these devices can seamlessly align with various networks. However, the linchpin is the device’s capability to support the specific APN settings laid out by the mobile provider.

The importance of compatibility checks: 

The mesmerising allure of an iPhone or iPad can be quickly overshadowed by connectivity hiccups if there’s a mismatch in APN settings. Imagine procuring the latest iPhone only to find it lagging online due to overlooked APN compatibilities. It’s a scenario no user or business wants to encounter.

Bridging the compatibility gap: 

Before taking the leap and committing to a particular mobile APN for your iPhone or iPad, a proactive approach is important. Dive into the APN provider’s documentation – often a treasure trove of technical specifications and compatibility lists. If uncertainties linger, a direct consultation with the provider’s customer support can offer tailored insights, ensuring your Apple device’s seamless online experience.

Apple devices, with their global acclaim, are engineered for excellence. Yet, their prowess is intrinsically linked to the underlying APN settings and compatibility. As you wield the power of an iPhone or iPad, ensuring its harmonious compatibility with your chosen APN is not just advisable, but crucial for an uninterrupted digital journey.

holding mobile device utilising mobile APN

Types of routers

Routers are the unsung heroes of our connected era, serving as gateways that channel the vast expanse of the internet into our homes and offices.

From streaming movies to hosting critical business meetings, these devices facilitate much of our daily digital activities. Among the spectrum of routers available, Mifi Routers and LTE routers have garnered significant attention for their versatility and performance.

Understanding router types and their significance:

  • Mifi routers: Portable and compact, Mifi routers are essentially mobile WiFi hotspots. They leverage cellular networks to provide internet access to multiple devices, making them ideal companions for travel or locations without fixed broadband.
  • LTE routers: These are stationary devices that connect directly to a 4G cellular network, converting it into a high-speed WiFi connection for multiple devices. Given the advancements in 4G technology, an LTE router offers speeds comparable to many traditional broadband connections.

Common models and their compatibility

  • ZTE routers: ZTE, a global leader in telecommunications, has a range of routers well-regarded for their performance. Typically, ZTE routers, whether Mifi or LTE models, are engineered for broad compatibility. They often seamlessly align with various mobile APNs, provided the specific APN settings of the mobile provider are supported.
  • Huawei routers: Another titan in the world of digital communication, Huawei offers routers that are both reliable and versatile. Like ZTE, Huawei routers are generally adaptable and can easily accommodate the APN settings from a multitude of mobile providers.
  • Teltonika routers: Teltonika, a notable name in the networking hardware landscape, offers a diverse range of products, with routers that cater to different user needs. Their routers, renowned for stability and robust performance, are adept at supporting various mobile APNs. Given the right APN settings, Teltonika routers tend to provide a smooth and stable internet experience.

Making informed router choices for seamless connectivity

Before investing in a router, whether it’s a sleek Mifi for on-the-go connectivity or a robust LTE router for home or office, compatibility checks are essential. It’s advisable to delve into the router manufacturer’s documentation. This resource often elucidates compatibility specifications and provides insights into APN setting adjustments. Should ambiguities arise, reaching out directly to the APN provider’s customer support can offer clarity. Their expertise can guide users in aligning their chosen router with the desired APN, ensuring optimal performance.

The world of routers is both expansive and nuanced. As devices like ZTE and Huawei routers simplify our digital interactions, understanding their compatibility with mobile APNs becomes vital. By ensuring this harmony, users can unlock the true potential of their internet connection, fostering seamless digital experiences.

M2M IoT Devices

Machine to Machine (M2M) IoT devices represent a paradigm shift in the way devices communicate in our increasingly interconnected world.

At their core, M2M IoT devices enable automated data exchange between machines, without human intervention. These can range from industrial machinery and transportation systems to everyday household items, all embedded with sensors and connectivity modules to interact and share data seamlessly.

The efficacy of an IoT device is intrinsically linked to the quality and reliability of its connectivity. Pairing these devices with the optimal mobile APN solution can amplify their potential in several significant ways:

  • Real-time data transmission: With the right mobile APN, M2M IoT devices can transmit data in real-time, allowing businesses to make instant decisions or automate processes to take immediate actions. This is especially crucial in applications such as fleet management or health monitoring systems.
  • Enhanced security: A dedicated mobile APN solution can offer heightened security, ensuring the data transmitted between M2M IoT devices remains confidential and protected from potential breaches.
  • Scalability: As businesses grow and evolve, they may need to integrate more IoT devices. A robust mobile APN ensures that as the number of devices scales up, the quality of connectivity remains consistent.
  • Diverse applications: From smart cities and agricultural automation to home security and healthcare, the applications of M2M IoT devices paired with the right APN solution are vast. For instance, in agriculture, soil sensors can communicate moisture levels to automated irrigation systems to optimise water usage.

M2M IoT devices are redefining the boundaries of what’s possible in our interconnected era. However, their true potential is harnessed when coupled with the right mobile APN solution. By ensuring seamless, secure, and scalable connectivity, businesses and individuals can make the most of the endless possibilities offered by the IoT landscape.

Unlock your devices’ full potential with Saicom’s compatible and secure mobile APN solutions. Enhance your IoT and M2M capabilities today. Contact Saicom for seamless connectivity across all devices.

4. Evaluate your data usage & prices or data plans from providers

Understanding and evaluating your data usage and the costs of different data plans is crucial in today’s connected world. This section will guide you through identifying your data needs, choosing the right data plan, and exploring how pricing varies across mobile APN providers.

Whether for personal use or business operations, learn how to make informed decisions on mobile data to ensure cost-effectiveness and optimal usage.

Compare costs & data plans across providers

When it comes to managing and optimising your business’s mobile connectivity, a comprehensive grasp of your data usage is paramount. It’s not just about the volume of data but the nuances behind its consumption. Let’s explore key factors that influence your data usage. 

  1. Peak usage hours: Identifying peak hours for data usage can provide valuable insights. For instance, an e-commerce business might find increased traffic during lunch hours, while a B2B enterprise might experience spikes during the start or end of the workday.
  2. Type of data transferred: The nature of data can significantly influence consumption. Video conferencing, for instance, will consume more data than sending emails. Recognising the types of data predominant in your business operations will give clarity on data needs.
  3. Number of users: More users typically mean more data consumption. However, the type of usage per user can vary. A graphic designer might require substantial data for downloading and uploading large files, while an executive might use less data for emails and basic browsing.
  4. Impact on total consumption: All these factors combined determine your overall data consumption. It’s crucial to consider them collectively rather than in isolation to gain an accurate picture of your business’s data usage.

Once you have a clear understanding of your data needs, the next step is to evaluate how different providers cater to those needs.

  • Evaluating data caps: While unlimited data plans sound enticing, they often come with data caps that can limit speeds after a certain threshold. Ensure that you’re aware of these caps and how they align with your business’s data usage patterns.
  • Cost analysis: Beyond just the sticker price, consider the value offered by each plan. Does it offer flexibility? Can it accommodate peaks in data usage without exorbitant out-of-bundle rates?
  • Estimating monthly data usage: To avoid surprises in your bill, it’s advisable to monitor your data usage over a few months to get an average monthly consumption figure. Factor in potential business growth or any anticipated changes in operations that might increase data needs.
  • Network reliability & speed: The reliability and speed of a provider’s network can influence real-world data consumption. Faster, more reliable networks can ensure tasks are completed quickly, potentially reducing data usage.

Navigating the intricate world of mobile data for business requires a two-pronged approach. First, an in-depth understanding of your data usage patterns and, second, a comprehensive comparison of providers to find a plan that aligns with your needs. By doing so, businesses can ensure efficient and cost-effective cellular data consumption.

A large amount of sim cards connected to a company APN

Consider contract terms to assess flexibility and scalability

In the dynamic landscape of today’s business environment, having flexibility and the capacity for scalability in your mobile APN contract is not just a luxury – it’s a necessity. The benefits of having a tailored contract, shaped to fit the unique requirements of your business, can be substantial. Here’s why flexibility and scalability in contracts matter:

  1. Adapting to changing business needs: Businesses evolve, and their data needs can shift over time. Flexible contracts allow companies to adapt to these changes without being hamstrung by rigid terms. For instance, if a company branches into a new digital venture that requires substantial mobile data, a flexible contract can accommodate this without incurring penalties or necessitating a whole new agreement.
  2. Cost efficiency: Flexible contracts can lead to significant cost savings. Paying for more data than required or being restricted by data caps can be financially draining. Tailored contracts allow businesses to pay for what they need, helping manage costs effectively.
  3. Responding to seasonal fluctuations: Some businesses experience seasonal variations in their operations. For instance, an e-commerce platform might experience higher traffic during the holiday season. Scalable contracts allow businesses to ramp up data plans during peak seasons and scale down during off-peak times.
  4. Growth-ready: Scalability in a contract is pivotal for growth-oriented businesses. As businesses expand, so do their data needs. Having a contract that can scale ensures that businesses are always equipped to handle increasing demands without overhauling their existing plans.
  5. Reducing barriers to entry and exit: No business wants to feel trapped in a contract. Flexibility ensures that if a business’s requirements change or if they find a better offer elsewhere, transitioning is smooth without the threat of steep exit fees.
  6. Tailored solutions for niche requirements: Some businesses might have unique requirements, be it related to security, data speeds, or specific network settings. A flexible contract allows businesses to carve out solutions that specifically cater to these niche needs.

In conclusion, when considering mobile APN providers, it’s essential to look beyond just data offerings. Assessing the contract’s flexibility and its scalability potential can play a pivotal role in ensuring a business remains agile, efficient, and poised for growth.

Pooling Data Across SIMs & Networks: Maximising Your Breakage Benefit

In the age of connectivity, where multiple devices require continuous internet access, the concept of pooling data has emerged as a game-changer for many businesses and individuals. 

By consolidating data allowances from various SIM cards across different networks, users can harness the full potential of their combined data, ensuring no MB goes to waste. Let’s explore this concept and the inherent advantages of pooled data.

Understanding Breakage in the World of Mobile Data

At the heart of the pooled data discussion lies the concept of breakage. Breakage refers to the unused data at the end of a billing cycle. In traditional mobile data plans, where each SIM card is contracted individually, any unused data from one SIM cannot be used or transferred to another SIM that might need it. This often results in wastage on one hand (with SIMs having surplus data) and additional costs on the other (where SIMs run out of data and incur out-of-bundle rates).

Why Pooling Makes Sense:

  1. Unified data management: Pooling data allows for a consolidated view of data usage across multiple SIM cards, irrespective of the mobile networks they’re on. This provides a clearer understanding of overall consumption patterns, making budgeting and forecasting more straightforward.
  2. Minimising wastage & cost: With pooled data, if one SIM card consumes less data in a month, it doesn’t go to waste. Another SIM, which might require more data, can tap into this unused resource, ensuring efficient use of the total data package.
  3. Economic efficiency: Instead of incurring additional costs when a SIM runs out of data or leaving unused data to lapse at the end of a month, pooled data ensures that every bit of the data you’ve purchased is utilised. This can lead to significant cost savings over time.
  4. Simplified billing: Instead of juggling multiple bills for various SIM cards across different networks, pooling offers a consolidated billing approach, making administration and payment processes smoother.
  5. Flexibility & scalability: As your data requirements change, pooling provides the flexibility to adjust. Whether adding new SIMs or adjusting data allocations, pooled solutions are inherently adaptable.

In conclusion, pooling data between all SIMs across all networks epitomises efficiency in mobile connectivity. By maximising breakage benefits and ensuring every MB of data is put to good use, businesses and individuals can enjoy seamless connectivity without the stress of monitoring multiple individual data plans or facing unexpected costs. 

Embracing pooled data solutions is a step towards smarter, more economical, and hassle-free mobile data management.

Maximise efficiency and minimise costs with Saicom’s tailored mobile APN solutions. Experience seamless connectivity with data pooling across all networks and devices. Contact Saicom today to optimise your mobile data strategy.

stack sim cards for mobile APN solution

5. Assess the APN provider’s customer service & technical support

In the realm of mobile networks and APN solutions, the technical aspects can be intricate and occasionally perplexing. This is where the calibre of an APN provider’s customer service and technical support truly shines through. Having robust support structures not only ensures smooth operations but also reflects the commitment of the provider to their clientele. Let’s explore more key aspects of APN provider customer service and technical support in detail.

Importance of expert technical support and responsive customer service

In the fast-paced world of business, the ability to access crucial data and maintain steady connectivity is paramount. Interruptions, no matter how small, can have significant repercussions, potentially leading to downtime and financial losses. A responsive customer service team stands ready to address and resolve these issues swiftly, ensuring business continuity and stability. 

This rapid response capability is crucial in a domain where mobile networks are in a constant state of evolution, with new challenges arising alongside technological advancements. Effective technical support is adept at navigating this ever-changing landscape, providing solutions that are in sync with the latest developments in mobile networking.

Moreover, the complexity of setting up and fine-tuning access point configurations can be daunting for many businesses, necessitating expert guidance. A skilled technical support team can demystify this process and advise on the optimal configurations for seamless connectivity. 

This assistance not only solves immediate challenges but also builds a foundation of trust. When businesses feel supported and know they can count on their APN provider’s customer service for quick and competent help, it cements a relationship that is likely to last and grow over time.

Further, quality technical support transcends mere problem-solving. By offering educational resources and insights, it empowers businesses with a deeper understanding of their service. This knowledge enables companies to make informed decisions, enhances their ability to troubleshoot minor issues independently, and fosters a sense of autonomy. 

Through this comprehensive support, businesses are not just recipients of solutions but are equipped to navigate the complexities of mobile networking with confidence, laying the groundwork for sustained success and innovation.

In essence, while mobile APN providers’ core offerings are undoubtedly vital, the quality of their customer service and technical support can be the differentiating factor in a saturated market. For businesses, aligning with an APN provider that prioritises their needs and offers unwavering support ensures stability, growth, and a hassle-free experience.

headset and laptop used by employees to provide customer support for apn solutions

Operating hours & response time

In the interconnected digital age, the reliability of one’s mobile network is paramount. However, even the best of technologies can face hitches. This is where the operating hours and response time of an APN provider’s support come into play, forming the backbone of a seamless customer experience.

Let’s examine the significance of support operating hours and response times for a reliable and effective mobile network experience.

24/7/365 – The gold standard
In an era where businesses operate round-the-clock, having support available 24x7x365 is more than just a luxury; it’s a necessity. For businesses, this means there’s always a safety net, regardless of when an issue arises. Companies like Saicom are setting industry standards by providing uninterrupted support every day of the year, ensuring their clients are never left in the lurch.

Swift response times 

Imagine facing a network hiccup during a critical business transaction or a live event. Every minute of waiting can feel like an hour. Prompt response times are more than just a metric – they’re a reflection of an APN provider’s commitment to their customers. Swift interventions can mitigate potential losses and maintain a company’s reputation.

Enhanced customer satisfaction

The correlation between swift support and customer satisfaction is direct. When issues are resolved rapidly and efficiently, it fosters trust and loyalty. Businesses can rest easy, knowing their operations won’t be hampered by prolonged technical glitches.

Upholding network performance 

Quick resolutions mean minimal disruptions. By ensuring that any downtime or network issues are addressed immediately, an APN provider helps businesses maintain optimal network performance, ensuring continuity in operations and service delivery.

Competitive edge 

In a competitive marketplace, the differentiators often lie beyond the core product or service. Offering extended operating hours and rapid response times gives APN providers like Saicom a distinctive edge over their competitors.

In conclusion, while evaluating APN providers, it’s pivotal for businesses to look beyond just technical specifications. The availability and responsiveness of customer support can significantly impact the overall user experience, making it a crucial consideration in the selection process.

6. Expertise and knowledge in technical support

In the intricate landscape of mobile networks and APN services, the intricacies can often appear complex and enigmatic to the untrained eye. While promptness of support is vital, it’s the depth of expertise and knowledge that often becomes the linchpin in ensuring seamless service. Here’s why the expertise of technical support and customer service teams is crucial:

Deep understanding of APN services 

APN services are multi-faceted, encompassing various configurations, settings, and operational aspects. A technical support team with a profound understanding of APN intricacies can assist customers more effectively, ensuring that they harness the full potential of their service.

Skilled installation procedures 

The foundation of any robust APN service is its correct installation. Expert technical support ensures that the initial setup is done correctly, minimising future issues and optimising performance from the outset.

Effective troubleshooting 

When issues arise, a skilled technical team can diagnose the root cause rapidly and implement solutions with precision. Their in-depth expertise ensures that problems are not just temporarily fixed but are addressed at their core, preventing recurring glitches.

Guidance and education 

Beyond immediate support, a knowledgeable team can offer valuable insights and guidance to customers, helping them understand their service better. This empowerment allows businesses to make informed decisions and optimise their APN usage.

Addressing complex inquiries 

As businesses grow and evolve, their network needs might become more complex. A technical support team with comprehensive knowledge can address advanced queries, offer solutions for unique requirements, and suggest ways to scale or modify the service as needed.

Building trust and credibility

For customers, there’s a sense of reassurance in knowing that their queries and concerns are being handled by experts. This trust not only enhances customer loyalty but also establishes the APN provider’s credibility in the market.

In essence, while the breadth of APN services offered is critical, the depth of expertise in technical support can make or break the customer experience. For businesses, aligning with an APN provider that boasts a skilled and knowledgeable support team ensures a smoother journey, from installation to everyday operations.

Elevate your mobile networking with Saicom’s expert technical support. Contact us today for unparalleled APN service and solutions.

7. Word-of-mouth and recommendations from peers & experts

Selecting the right mobile APN provider can be a complex maze to navigate, particularly with an array of options, technical terminologies, and varied user feedback. Amidst the vast digital information ocean, the traditional compass of word-of-mouth, especially from industry peers and experts, remains a trusted guide.

Let’s delve into why such personal recommendations hold a distinctive edge over other sources, like online reviews:

  1. Real, first-hand experience: When you lean on peer advice, you’re drawing from their direct encounters with APN solutions. These peers have often been down the path you’re considering, providing genuine insights into service quality and potential challenges of various mobile APN providers.
  2. Relevant, tailored feedback: Fellow industry players comprehend the specific demands and intricacies of your sector. Their recommendations about an APN provider or solution are aligned with what truly matters to businesses like yours.
  3. Seeing beyond the marketing: While many online platforms might be echoing the strategic marketing pitches of APN providers, word-of-mouth stands out for its authenticity. It’s not about the flashy first impressions but the consistent performance and reliability of a mobile APN solution over time.
  4. Credibility and trust: There’s an inherent trust in recommendations from familiar faces. When a known industry expert or peer vouches for an APN provider, it inherently carries more weight than anonymous online reviews.
  5. A complete picture: Personal recommendations often offer a 360-degree view. Not just the efficacy of the APN solution, but also the customer service, after-sales support, and overall responsiveness of the mobile APN provider.
  6. The long game insights: With APN services, it’s not just about the initial selection but fostering a sustainable relationship. Peers can offer valuable feedback on the long-term dynamics with a provider, giving insights into their evolution, adaptability, and continued support.
  7. The human touch: Word-of-mouth captures the nuances of human interactions that transcend formal contracts. This includes gestures of goodwill, the mobile APN provider’s flexibility, and the human-centric approach that might not always be inked in a service agreement.

In the quest to find the best APN solution, while online reviews sketch the broader strokes, word-of-mouth paints in the finer details. For businesses aspiring to forge a partnership with the right mobile APN provider, these nuanced insights are indispensable, ensuring a choice that aligns seamlessly with their unique requirements.

8. Explore the management portal functionality: Analytics, reporting, capping, top-ups & more

A Mobile APN management portal is a crucial tool for organisations that rely heavily on mobile data connectivity. It plays a significant role in ensuring the efficient and secure operation of mobile devices on a network. 

Look for a data management portal that:

  • Enables you to easily allocate data from one central enterprise bundle
  • Enables you to easily manage multiple APNs, Companies, Departments, Individuals and SIM cards
  • Enables you to easily view all data usage, set usage caps and add top-up data to users in real-time
  • Allows for bulk uploads via csv file
  • Has application aware analytics allows you to reduce spend by gaining insight into application usage at a department or user level
  • Allows you to block Applications by category across your shared APN or Manage Applications end to end on your dedicated APN
  • Allows for pairing of ICCID to IMEI (Phone to SIM Card). This feature renders a SIM card useless unless used with the intended device.
  • Features powerful reporting and analytics allowing you to report on usage per department, site, individual and SIM. Real-time monitoring and customisable reporting in an APN management portal allows for prompt responses to challenges and provides personalised insights to optimise network performance.
  • Allows you to set up custom notifications which can be sent to WhatsApp, SMS and Email 
  • Enables you to manually soft lock and unlock SIMs in real-time
  • Offers security and privacy analytics to ensure data safety, meet privacy requirements, and protect against cyber threats such as viruses and spyware.

Many of the above features help in effective data usage management and avoiding unexpected charges, allowing businesses to maintain better control over their data consumption and expenses.

Saicom’s mobile APN portal features all of the above functionality. Contact us with your query or to learn more about our mobile APN portal

APN Saicom Connect Mockup

Final thoughts on choosing a mobile APN provider in South Africa

In choosing the right mobile APN provider in South Africa, it’s essential to consider network performance, data plans, security features, device compatibility, and the quality of customer service.

Whether you prioritise speed, security, flexibility, or support, understanding your specific needs is key. Pooling data across SIMs, evaluating contract flexibility, and seeking recommendations are also crucial steps. Remember, the ideal APN provider should not only meet your current requirements but also support your future growth.

For a solution that encompasses these critical aspects and more, consider Saicom. Contact us to explore how our mobile APN portal can enhance your connectivity and contribute to your success in the digital landscape. In a related article, we also cover the benefits of mobile APNs for businesses to give you more insight into the impact that the right mobile APN solution can have on your operations.

utilising smartphone with mobile APN to make courier deliveries

How to find the right private cloud provider in South Africa

Choosing the right cloud service provider is a critical decision for businesses looking to optimise efficiency, safeguard sensitive data, and enhance operational productivity. This holds particularly true for enterprises in South Africa, where the demand for secure and reliable private cloud solutions is escalating.

Selecting the right cloud service provider can significantly impact various facets of business operations. From ensuring robust data security measures to facilitating seamless scalability, the choice of provider directly influences business agility and competitiveness. Moreover, the right provider can offer tailored solutions that align precisely with specific business needs, fostering greater efficiency and innovation.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of selecting the right private cloud service provider for your business in South Africa. By exploring each crucial consideration in detail, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make an informed decision that aligns seamlessly with your organisation’s objectives.

Key takeaways

  • Evaluate compliance and security: Prioritise providers with strong compliance expertise and robust security measures to ensure data protection and regulatory adherence.
  • Assess infrastructure and support: Look for a provider with resilient infrastructure and reliable technical support to guarantee uptime and seamless issue resolution.
  • Consider control and flexibility: Choose a provider that offers significant control over resources and flexible services to tailor the cloud environment to suit your needs.
  • Analyse cost-effectiveness and scalability: Select a provider with predictable costs and scalable solutions to support your growth and budgeting requirements.
  • Review disaster recovery and innovation: Ensure the provider has effective disaster recovery capabilities and a commitment to innovation for long-term success and resilience.

Understanding private cloud service providers

Understanding private cloud service providers entails grasping the role they play in offering secure, customisable, and controlled cloud computing environments to businesses.

A private cloud service provider delivers infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of individual organisations.

These providers prioritise security, offering dedicated resources and stringent access controls to safeguard sensitive data. Additionally, they empower businesses with greater control over their infrastructure, allowing for customisation and flexibility to adapt to evolving requirements.

By partnering with the right cloud provider, businesses can benefit from enhanced security, increased control, and greater customisation options, ultimately driving operational efficiency and productivity.

private cloud in person's hands symbolising a private cloud provider

Key components of a private cloud service

Key components of a private cloud service encompass dedicated resources, robust security measures, and customisable infrastructure tailored to meet the unique demands of businesses.

  • Dedicated resources ensure optimal performance and reliability, while advanced security protocols safeguard against potential threats and breaches.
  • Customisable infrastructure enables businesses to tailor their cloud based environment to suit their specific requirements, fostering agility and scalability.
  • Management and automation tools play a pivotal role in streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency within a private cloud service.

These tools automate routine tasks, optimise resource allocation, and facilitate seamless scalability, ultimately contributing to improved performance and responsiveness.

By integrating these key components, private cloud service providers empower businesses to unlock the full potential of cloud computing while maintaining control, security, and flexibility.

Whether businesses opt for a private environment, a hybrid cloud setup, or embark on cloud migration, the right cloud service provider offers tailored solutions that align with their cloud options, fostering innovation and driving business growth in the era of cloud computing.

Types of private cloud services

Private cloud services come in various forms to accommodate diverse business needs, with providers offering both customer-managed and provider-managed solutions.

In this section, we explore each of these different types of private cloud solutions in more detail.

Customer-managed services

Customer-managed services afford businesses complete control over their cloud environment, allowing them to customise and manage resources according to their specific requirements. This option is ideal for organisations seeking maximum flexibility and autonomy in managing their infrastructure and applications.

Provider-managed services

On the other hand, provider-managed services delegate the responsibility of managing and maintaining the cloud environment to the private cloud provider. This approach relieves businesses of the burden of day-to-day management tasks, allowing them to focus on core competencies while leveraging the expertise of the provider.

Saicom’s private cloud services

Saicom, a leading private cloud provider, offers a comprehensive range of cloud services tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses, encompassing both customer-managed and provider-managed solutions. Our cloud solutions enable businesses to leverage the benefits of private clouds while benefiting from the expertise and support of a trusted provider.

private cloud solution visualisation with lock icon symbolising security

Additional cloud solutions offered by cloud providers

In addition to customer-managed and provider-managed services, private cloud providers offer a spectrum of cloud solutions designed to address specific business requirements.

These solutions may include infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings, providing businesses with the flexibility to choose the most suitable option based on their needs and preferences.

Private cloud services offer the scalability, security, and customisation capabilities required to support critical business operations, making them an attractive choice for organisations seeking to harness the power of cloud computing while maintaining control over their data and applications.

With a focus on delivering reliable and secure cloud services, private cloud providers like Saicom play a crucial role in empowering businesses to optimise their IT infrastructure and drive innovation in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Explore our private cloud services and contact our team to learn more.

How to select the right private cloud provider for your business

Finding the right private cloud provider for your business is paramount to ensuring seamless operations and safeguarding sensitive data.

In this section, we delve into essential considerations that will assist you in making an informed decision. From aligning with specific business needs and assessing compliance expertise to evaluating infrastructure security and scalability, we provide a comprehensive roadmap to help you navigate the selection process.

Additionally, we explore crucial factors such as disaster recovery capabilities, ease of migration, reputation, and innovation, ensuring that you have all the tools necessary to find a provider that not only meets your current requirements but also positions your business for future success.

At the end of this section, you’ll be equipped to choose the right private cloud provider that aligns perfectly with your business objectives and empowers you to thrive in today’s dynamic digital landscape.

1. Assess your specific business needs

Assessing your specific business needs in the private cloud space is crucial for making informed decisions and maximising the benefits of cloud technology.

To streamline your decision-making process, start by gaining a comprehensive understanding of your business objectives and requirements. This involves identifying key areas where private cloud solutions can make a significant impact, such as computing power, storage capacity, automation capabilities, and scalability.

By mapping out these specific needs, you can establish clear criteria for evaluating potential private cloud providers.

Evaluating a private cloud provider’s ability to cater to diverse needs

Once you’ve identified your business needs, it’s essential to assess whether prospective cloud providers can effectively address them within a private environment. Look for cloud providers that offer a wide range of services and solutions tailored to diverse business requirements.

Evaluate their depth of services by considering factors such as the flexibility of their infrastructure, the scalability of their resources, and the availability of advanced automation tools. A reputable private cloud storage provider, for example, should offer robust storage solutions with customisable options to accommodate varying storage needs.

Similarly, assess the provider’s track record in delivering reliable and secure services, as well as their ability to adapt to evolving technological trends and industry standards. By thoroughly evaluating a provider’s capabilities in meeting your specific business needs, you can ensure that you choose the right cloud partner to drive your business forward in a private cloud environment.

private cloud network infographic

2. Choose a cloud provider with robust compliance expertise

Selecting the right cloud provider is essential for businesses looking to ensure the highest levels of data protection and compliance with both industry-specific and local regulations.

With a myriad of providers offering a range of services, prioritising those with specialised compliance expertise can significantly reduce legal and security risks.

In this section, we delve deeper into the importance of choosing a cloud provider that not only understands the intricacies of regulatory requirements but also possesses the necessary frameworks to maintain data integrity and security.

Understanding of industry-specific regulations

When selecting a cloud provider, prioritising robust compliance expertise is paramount to safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring adherence to industry and local regulations.

A provider’s understanding of industry-specific regulations is essential for maintaining compliance and mitigating risks associated with sensitive data handling.

For instance, healthcare organisations in the United States must adhere to regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), while in South Africa, payment card data requires compliance with standards such as PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard).

Choosing a cloud provider with expertise in these regulations enables businesses to confidently navigate compliance requirements, ensuring the secure handling of sensitive data.

Awareness of local and service-specific data regulations

Moreover, awareness of local and service-specific data regulations is crucial for companies operating within specific jurisdictions.

Cloud providers should be well-versed in applicable regulations such as South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), which governs the processing and protection of personal information.

Compliance with these regulations not only ensures lawful data management but also enhances data security, essential for both domestic operations and international business ventures.

By partnering with a cloud provider knowledgeable in local and national regulations, businesses can mitigate legal risks and safeguard their sensitive data across diverse geographical regions.

Adoption of robust data compliance frameworks

The adoption of robust data compliance frameworks by cloud providers enhances data integrity, availability, and protection.

Providers like SAICOM leverage comprehensive compliance frameworks such as the 3-2-1 backup system, which involves creating three copies of data stored on two different types of media, with one copy stored offsite.

Such frameworks ensure that companies’ data remains secure, accessible, and compliant with regulatory requirements.

By entrusting their data to a provider with strong compliance expertise, businesses can bolster their data security strategy and mitigate the risks associated with sensitive data handling on the cloud platform.

3. Evaluate a private cloud provider’s infrastructure and security

When it comes to choosing a private cloud provider, the strength of their infrastructure and security measures cannot be overstated.

Ensuring that your data is stored and managed on a reliable and secure platform is paramount for business continuity and protection against cyber threats.

In this section, we will delve into the critical aspects of a provider’s infrastructure and security protocols, from the resilience of their network and data centres to the comprehensiveness of their cybersecurity measures.

private cloud security network vulnerabilities visualised

Assessing the reliability of cloud infrastructure: network, data centres, and more

When evaluating a private cloud provider, it’s crucial to prioritise the reliability and security of their infrastructure to ensure the delivery of a cloud service that is dependable and secure.

Assessing the reliability of a provider’s cloud infrastructure involves examining the resilience and capabilities of their network, data centres, and related components. Look for indicators of robust infrastructure, such as multi-site management or backup and disaster recovery capabilities, which signify redundancy and resilience in the event of disruptions or failures.

A provider with a resilient infrastructure can offer greater assurance of uptime and performance, minimising the risk of service interruptions and downtime for your business.

Evaluating the strength of security measures or protocols

Evaluating the strength of a provider’s security measures is essential for safeguarding sensitive data and protecting against cyber threats.

Critical security measures to look for include firewalls, encryption protocols, and malware prevention mechanisms, which form the foundation of a secure cloud environment. A reputable cloud provider should employ industry-standard security practices to defend against unauthorised access, data breaches, and other security risks.

For instance, Saicom exemplifies a commitment to comprehensive security by offering a wide spectrum of security features, including NSX-T distributed firewalling and workload encryption.

These advanced security measures set a benchmark for data protection and confidentiality, providing customers with peace of mind knowing that their data is secure and well-protected within the private cloud environment.

By prioritising a provider’s infrastructure resilience and security capabilities, businesses can mitigate risks and confidently leverage the benefits of private cloud services for their operations.

Contact our team of cloud specialists to learn more about SAICOM’s advanced private cloud security features.

4. Explore the level of control and flexibility a private cloud provider offers

In the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, having control over your resources and the flexibility to adapt to changing business needs is crucial.

Private cloud services offer this essential combination, allowing for tailored solutions that grow with your company.

In this section, we examine how private cloud providers offer significant control and flexibility through customisable resource management, deployment options, and managed services.

Consider functionality for resource management, deployment, and more

Exploring the level of control and flexibility offered by a private cloud provider is essential for effective management and scalability of business operations.

Prioritising providers that offer significant control over resources and flexible services ensures businesses can tailor their cloud environment to meet evolving needs.

When considering functionality for resource management and deployment, it’s crucial to choose a provider like Saicom Private Cloud, which offers extensive control and access to resources through an intuitive portal.

This level of control empowers businesses to allocate resources efficiently, scale resources up or down as needed, and optimise performance to support their specific workload requirements.

Flexible deployment options are also paramount for effective workload management in a private cloud environment. Businesses should seek providers that support adaptable resource allocation to optimise efficiency and accommodate fluctuating demands.

By selecting a provider that offers flexible deployment options, businesses can dynamically adjust resources to match workload requirements, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.

Saicom Private Cloud, for instance, provides flexible deployment options that enable businesses to customise their cloud environment to suit their unique needs, whether they require increased computing power, storage capacity, or other resources.

Managed services: efficient control and resource utilisation

Managed services play a critical role in enhancing the overall control and flexibility of cloud solutions.

Providers with robust managed services offer efficient control over resources, including storage and other cloud components, while also providing ongoing support and maintenance.

Saicom’s managed services ensure streamlined operations by handling routine tasks such as monitoring, patching, and updates, freeing up businesses to focus on their core objectives.

By leveraging managed services, businesses can optimise resource utilisation, improve operational efficiency, and achieve greater flexibility in managing their private cloud environment, ultimately driving business success and growth.

human interacting with secure cloud network visualisation

5. Consider the cost and scalability of private cloud services

Navigating the balance between cost and scalability is crucial when selecting private cloud services.

This section focuses on how businesses can evaluate cloud providers for cost-effectiveness and the ability to scale services in line with growth.

Improve budgeting by finding a private cloud solution with a predictable cost structure

When assessing private cloud services, it’s imperative to evaluate providers based on their cost-effectiveness and scalability.

Businesses benefit from finding a private cloud solution with a predictable cost structure, facilitating better financial planning and budgeting. Opting for a cloud provider with transparent pricing models and predictable costs aids in avoiding unexpected expenses and allows for more accurate budget forecasting.

Saicom Private Cloud, for example, stands out in this regard, offering predictable costs and flexible resource scaling options that effectively accommodate varying business needs.

This ensures businesses can scale their resources up or down as required without encountering unpredictable cost fluctuations, providing greater control over expenses and promoting cost-effectiveness.

Consider plans for future growth or expansion

Businesses must consider their plans for future growth or expansion when selecting a cloud provider to ensure their offerings align with evolving needs.

A provider’s scalability capabilities and willingness to support business growth are critical factors to consider. By choosing a provider with robust scalability options, businesses can seamlessly accommodate increased demand and scale their infrastructure to support future expansion initiatives.

Moreover, evaluating a provider’s service level agreements (SLAs) and assessing their financial stability are essential steps in ensuring long-term viability and reliability. Partnering with a provider in a healthy financial position and with a track record of delivering cost-effective solutions ensures businesses can confidently invest in their cloud infrastructure while preparing for future growth and expansion.

By prioritising cost-effectiveness, scalability, and alignment with future growth plans, businesses can make informed decisions when selecting a private cloud provider that best meets their needs and supports their long-term success.

Assess the provider’s technical support & customer service

Choosing the right cloud provider extends beyond just the technical specifications; the quality of technical support and customer service plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and efficient cloud experience.

In this section, we explore the importance of selecting a provider with responsive, knowledgeable, and reliable technical support.

Carefully consider the reliability of technical support services

Assessing the technical support and customer service offered by a cloud provider is paramount for ensuring seamless and efficient issue resolution.

Responsive, knowledgeable, and reliable technical support is essential, as it can significantly impact the management and performance of cloud services. When evaluating a cloud provider, consider the expertise and availability of their technical staff, as well as their capabilities to address complex technical issues promptly.

Saicom distinguishes itself in this regard, offering a team of skilled professionals dedicated to providing responsive support services. With a variety of support options, including migration assistance and ongoing support, Saicom ensures that customers receive the assistance they need to maximise the value of their cloud services.

Moreover, the reliability of technical support services is crucial due to the technical nature of cloud products. Responsive and reliable support services are essential for effective cloud service management, as they enable timely resolution of technical issues and minimise disruptions to business operations.

Saicom’s commitment to delivering high-quality support services ensures that customers can rely on prompt assistance whenever technical issues arise, enhancing their overall experience with the cloud platform.

headset device connected to private cloud system

Find out about the provider’s reputation online, seek references & consider referrals

In addition to evaluating a cloud service provider’s technical support capabilities, it is essential to consider their reputation and track record in delivering customer satisfaction.

Positive feedback from online reviews, social media, and referrals can serve as valuable indicators of a provider’s reliability and commitment to customer service.

When considering a cloud provider, seek references from other companies and inquire about their experiences with the provider.

Saicom’s reputation and proven track record make it a compelling choice for businesses seeking reliable and responsive technical support, further solidifying its position as a trusted cloud service provider in the industry.

Explore reviews from satisfied SAICOM customers on our Google business listing and Hellopeter. Contact our team of specialists today to enquire about our private cloud services.

Review a provider’s disaster recovery capabilities

Evaluating a cloud provider’s disaster recovery capabilities is crucial for ensuring business resilience in the face of unforeseen disruptions.

This section focuses on the importance of selecting a provider equipped with robust disaster recovery solutions and infrastructure, including Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) and strategic dual-location data centres.

Understand the role of disaster recovery systems for private cloud

When reviewing a cloud provider’s disaster recovery capabilities, it’s imperative to choose one with robust solutions and infrastructure in place to mitigate potential disruptions to business operations.

The ability to recover quickly and effectively from unforeseen events is essential for maintaining business continuity and minimising downtime.

Providers like Saicom offer comprehensive disaster recovery solutions, including Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) and cloud migration capabilities, which safeguard data and ensure seamless transfers in the event of a disaster.

These solutions not only protect against data loss but also enable businesses to resume operations swiftly, minimising the impact on productivity and revenue.

Understanding the role of disaster recovery systems for private clouds is crucial in safeguarding critical data and ensuring business resilience. Disaster recovery capabilities play a pivotal role in maintaining business continuity, allowing organisations to recover data and applications quickly following a disaster.

Saicom’s DRaaS solution provides automated failover and failback capabilities, enabling businesses to replicate their entire IT infrastructure in the cloud and recover operations rapidly in the event of a disaster.

Additionally, cloud migration capabilities facilitate the seamless transfer of data and applications between on-premises environments and the cloud, ensuring data availability and accessibility during disaster scenarios.

Consider the strategic advantage of dual-location data centres

Considering the strategic advantage of dual-location data centres further enhances the reliability and resilience of disaster recovery solutions.

Dual-location data centres provide redundancy and geographic diversity, ensuring that data and applications remain accessible even in the event of a site-wide outage or disaster.

Saicom leverages dual-location data centres to provide an added layer of protection and reliability, enabling businesses to maintain operations and data integrity in the face of unforeseen events.

By choosing a provider with dual-location data centres and robust disaster recovery capabilities, businesses can enhance their overall resilience and minimise the impact of disruptions on their operations.

cloud network with server backup visualisation

Assess the ease of migration to a private cloud

Understanding the simplicity of the migration process is crucial for businesses considering a shift to a private cloud provider.

This section highlights the importance of a straightforward migration that minimises business disruption and ensures a seamless transition to the new cloud environment.

Planning your private cloud migration

Assessing the ease of migration to a private cloud is crucial when transitioning to a new provider. A seamless migration process minimises business disruption and ensures a smooth transition to the new cloud environment.

Businesses rely heavily on their IT infrastructure to operate successfully, making any interruptions or delays during migration potentially detrimental to core business activities. Therefore, choosing a provider that offers an uncomplicated migration process is essential for maintaining productivity and minimising downtime.

Planning your private cloud migration is key to minimising business disruption and ensuring a successful transition. A well-planned migration process involves carefully assessing existing systems, identifying key considerations, and developing a comprehensive migration strategy.

It’s essential to evaluate all potential providers’ migration processes to determine which one aligns best with your business requirements and objectives. This includes considering factors such as the complexity of the migration process, the level of support offered by the provider, and the compatibility of existing systems with the new cloud environment.

For large enterprises with complex IT infrastructures, migrating to a private cloud requires meticulous planning and execution. Key considerations include data migration, application compatibility, security requirements, and regulatory compliance.

By thoroughly evaluating the migration processes of potential providers, businesses can ensure a smooth and successful transition to the private cloud.

Whether opting for a hybrid cloud approach or migrating entirely to a private cloud environment, selecting a provider with a straightforward migration process is essential for minimising disruption and enabling businesses to operate efficiently in the new cloud environment.

Dive into our article to discover the benefits of cloud migration and explore the steps for a seamless transition to the cloud.

Consider a provider’s future-proofing and innovation capabilities

In a constantly evolving digital world, the importance of partnering with a forward-thinking and innovative private cloud provider cannot be overstated.

This section underscores the necessity of selecting a provider committed to future-proofing and pioneering technologies, ensuring your infrastructure not only meets current demands but is also poised for tomorrow’s challenges.

Choosing an innovative provider

When considering a private cloud provider, it’s essential to assess their future-proofing and innovation capabilities to ensure they can adapt and offer cutting-edge solutions for long-term success.

The rapidly evolving landscape of technology demands that providers stay ahead of the curve, continuously innovating to meet the evolving needs of businesses. Choosing a provider with a demonstrable future-oriented and innovative approach is crucial for ensuring that your cloud infrastructure remains relevant and competitive in the long run.

Saicom’s commitment to innovation is exemplified through its software-defined data centre environment, which showcases its dedication to offering advanced and forward-thinking solutions to its clients.

Selecting an innovative provider ensures that businesses can leverage the latest technologies and advancements to drive growth and maintain a competitive edge. By partnering with a provider that prioritises innovation, businesses can access cutting-edge solutions and stay ahead of industry trends.

Saicom’s innovative approach enables it to offer state-of-the-art services and capabilities, empowering businesses to thrive in today’s dynamic and fast-paced business environment.

Modernising applications with your provider’s help

A private cloud provider that aids in modernising applications is crucial to securing the future of workloads. As technology continues to evolve, legacy applications may become outdated and incompatible with modern cloud environments.

Choosing a provider that offers support and guidance in modernising applications ensures that businesses can adapt to changing technology landscapes and remain agile and competitive.

Saicom’s expertise in modernising applications allows businesses to migrate and optimise their workloads for the cloud, enabling them to take full advantage of the benefits of cloud computing while future-proofing their operations for years to come.

By prioritising innovation and modernisation, businesses can ensure that their cloud infrastructure remains robust, efficient, and capable of meeting their evolving needs and demands.

cloud network connected to business infographic

Final thoughts on how to choose the right private cloud provider in South Africa

It’s clear that choosing the best private cloud provider in South Africa requires meticulous evaluation and strategic decision-making.

It’s crucial to rigorously vet potential providers for their compliance expertise, infrastructure robustness, and disaster recovery capabilities. Aligning your choice with your specific business requirements ensures that your chosen provider is capable of bolstering your operations effectively.

Choosing a dedicated provider like Saicom Private Cloud offers a range of benefits, such as predictable costs, scalable solutions, and cutting-edge services designed to cater to the dynamic needs of modern businesses in South Africa.

By adhering to these guidelines and focusing on alignment with your business goals, you can confidently select a private cloud provider that will foster your success and expansion in the digital era.

Ready to elevate your business with a private cloud solution that meets all your needs? Choose Saicom’s private cloud solutions and experience unmatched security, scalability, and support tailored to your needs. Contact us today to harness a cloud solution that accelerates your digital growth. Your future in the cloud begins today.

What business are we truly in?

In today’s constantly transforming digital landscape, particularly within telecommunications and internet services, it’s crucial to step back and reconsider: What business are we truly in?

Drawing inspiration from the insights of Theodore Levitt, a distinguished economist and Harvard Business School professor, we need to address potential myopia in our business approaches. Levitt’s paper, “Marketing Myopia”, published in the 1960s, offers critical perspectives that are astoundingly applicable in today’s industry scenarios.

Levitt was notably critical of companies that narrowly defined their businesses. For instance, he pointed out how the American railroad industry perceived itself as being strictly in the “railroad business” when they should have seen themselves in the broader “transportation business.” This limited viewpoint caused many rail companies to miss out on opportunities as transportation evolved with the advent of automobiles and aviation. They were so engrossed in rail that they failed to diversify into these new avenues, leading to a decline in their market dominance.

In another iconic observation, Levitt remarked, “People don’t want a quarter-inch drill; they want a quarter-inch hole.” This succinct statement underscores the essence of shifting from a product-centric to a customer-centric mindset. Instead of being fixated on the product itself (the drill), it’s crucial to discern the value or outcome these services render to the customer (the hole). Such a perspective ensures that companies remain relevant and valuable, focusing on solving real problems or fulfilling actual needs.

While it’s commendable to have a vast array of services, we must vigilantly avoid the pitfall of marketing myopia by concentrating solely on our offerings. Our primary objective should be facilitating efficient, secure, and smooth communication and data management for organisations and individuals. This means addressing our customers’ challenges and meeting their requirements rather than merely peddling our services.

There’s a danger in letting ego and self-deception cloud our vision. We need to proactively disrupt ourselves and adapt; otherwise, an external force will assuredly disrupt our status quo. Reflecting on history, several businesses experienced or are currently grappling with marketing myopia. Kodak, for instance, missed the digital camera revolution, allowing companies like Sony to dominate. Similarly, Nokia witnessed its market share plummet against Android and iOS.

Blockbuster, once the go-to for film rentals, failed to recognise the changing trends of media consumption, letting streaming services like Netflix offer a more convenient alternative. Blackberry dominated the early smartphone market but failed to innovate and keep pace with the intuitive interfaces of iOS and Android. Borders overlooked the digital revolution of books and paid the price when they lagged behind in the realm of e-books and online sales. Sears couldn’t compete with the rise of e-commerce and changing consumer preferences, leading to their downfall. Polaroid, despite their potential in the digital space, remained committed to instant film, leading to their decline.

In today’s competitive and rapidly changing business environment, particularly in the sphere of telecommunications, technology, and internet services, understanding and anticipating the needs of customers is paramount. As showcased by the examples mentioned, even titans in their industries can stumble if they become too narrow-minded or self-assured. The lessons from Levitt’s “Marketing Myopia” amplify the importance of self-reflection, adaptability, and understanding broader industry shifts.

Embracing a wider perspective isn’t merely a strategic move—it’s the bedrock of sustainable business philosophy. Especially in the telecommunications and technology sector, where rapid advancements are the norm, it’s essential to stay ahead, constantly gauging the industry landscape and decoding the ever-shifting desires and needs of the customer. This positions businesses to innovate in ways that not only meet but transcend customer expectations.

This commitment calls for vigilance and foresight. Merely reacting to changes won’t suffice; businesses need to be future-ready, anticipating shifts before they become evident. It demands a culture steeped in continuous learning, nimbleness, and above all, an unwavering dedication to understanding and enriching the customer experience.

Drawing it back to our core industry… Are we merely in the business of selling VoIP, Hosted PBX, UCaaS, CPaaS, SMS, Fibre, Wireless, Cyber Security, SD-WAN, Mobile Data APN, or Private Cloud hosting? Or, is our true purpose to deliver seamless, efficient, and secure communication and data platforms that strengthen both enterprises and individuals alike?

By anchoring our philosophy in the latter, we not only recognise the tangible products we offer but, more critically, the intangible value and solutions they bring to our clients. As the technological landscape keeps evolving, those who remain agile, discerning, and deeply committed to serving their customers’ true needs will undoubtedly be the vanguards of the future.

While embracing the teachings of Levitt is crucial, it is equally important to remember that adaptability and customer-centricity are not mere checkboxes but ongoing commitments. As the business world continues to evolve, those who remain agile, perceptive, and genuinely dedicated to serving their customers will be the ones to thrive and lead in the future.

Greg de Chasteauneuf, Chief Technology Officer at Saicom

The Evolution of Web Security: Unpacking TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3


Numbers often paint a clearer picture than words. In September 2023, out of 135,583 sites surveyed, an intriguing 64.8% supported TLS v1.3, marking a 0.6% increase from just a month prior. On the other hand, a staggering 99.9% still supported TLS v1.2. These statistics caught my eye and prompted me to explore the underlying differences between TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3. 

Furthermore, in the same survey a staggering 37.5% of the most popular websites in the world have inadequate security which could be susceptible to Insecure Renegotiation and the BEAST attack.

The near-universal adoption of TLS v1.2 reflects its long-standing influence in our digital world. Yet, the incremental yet steady growth in TLS v1.3 adoption is a strong indicator of where we’re headed. The modest 0.6% increase month-over-month may not seem groundbreaking, but it represents a significant number of sites opting for a more secure and efficient protocol. These trends validate what I’ve been noticing—an ongoing transition towards enhanced security and performance. 

So, what is TLS and Why is It Important?

Before diving into the differences between the two versions, let’s discuss what TLS actually is and why it’s so crucial in today’s digital age. TLS, or Transport Layer Security, is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure communications over a computer network. In simpler terms, it’s the technology that encrypts the data sent between your web browser and a server, ensuring that sensitive information such as login credentials, financial data, or personal details remain private and protected.

The importance of TLS cannot be overstated. In a world where cyber-attacks are increasingly sophisticated and common, the role of secure communication channels is vital. Without TLS, any data transmitted over the internet would be easily accessible to cybercriminals, putting both individuals and organisations at risk.

A Glimpse at TLS 1.2

Launched in 2008, TLS 1.2 emerged as a significant improvement over its forerunners. It expanded the variety of cipher suites and introduced features like authenticated encryption, strengthening its security capabilities.

An Introduction to TLS 1.3

Fast forward to 2018, and TLS 1.3 bursts onto the scene. Aiming for a minimalist approach, TLS 1.3 focuses on enhancing speed and security, effectively cutting off the unnecessary frills and insecure features.

Summary of the differences

Delving into the Key Differences

Handshake Process

In TLS 1.2, the handshake process involves two primary phases—first is the “ClientHello” message followed by a “ServerHello” message, and then the client and server exchange several more messages to establish encryption settings and authentication. Each phase requires a round-trip, adding latency to the entire process.

In contrast, TLS 1.3 has streamlined this operation down to just a single round-trip. The server configuration is either remembered by the client or presented in an encrypted extension, meaning the process moves directly from “ClientHello” to sharing encrypted data. This efficiency reduces connection times and is especially beneficial in mobile environments where latency is a frequent concern.

Cipher Suites

TLS 1.2 supports a wide variety of cipher suites, including many that are no longer considered secure, like RC4. This opens up potential vulnerabilities and necessitates careful server configuration to avoid weak ciphers.

TLS 1.3, however, reduces this risk by supporting a more constrained list of cipher suites, all of which offer robust security. For instance, the only bulk encryption algorithms supported are AES-GCM, AES-CCM, and ChaCha20-Poly1305, all of which are highly secure and efficient.

Session Resumption

In TLS 1.2, session resumption is facilitated through Session IDs or Session Tickets. Although these methods are secure, they often involve storing state information on the server or the client, impacting scalability and requiring more computational resources.

TLS 1.3 adopts a more efficient approach using Pre-shared Keys (PSK) for session resumption, eliminating the need for storing state information and enabling quicker and more secure resumption of previous sessions.

Legacy Algorithms

TLS 1.2 is more lenient in supporting legacy algorithms, some of which are insecure or less efficient, such as SHA-1 for hashing. This backward compatibility can sometimes be a drawback, as it exposes the network to vulnerabilities inherent in older algorithms.

In contrast, TLS 1.3 eliminates this issue by deprecating all legacy algorithms deemed insecure, focusing solely on strong and efficient cryptographic primitives.

Forward Secrecy

In TLS 1.2, Forward Secrecy is optional and relies on the server configuration to be enabled, which means that previous encrypted sessions may be compromised if the server’s private key is exposed.

In TLS 1.3, Forward Secrecy is not an optional feature but a mandatory one. This ensures that even if a server’s long-term secret key is compromised, past sessions remain secure.

Zero Round-Trip Time (0-RTT)

Zero Round-Trip Time (0-RTT) is a new feature exclusive to TLS 1.3. This feature enables clients to send data to the server in the very first round-trip, without waiting for the server’s acknowledgment. This reduces latency significantly but does come with some potential replay attack risks, which is why it is often best suited for idempotent operations.

Implications for Certificate Inspection and Man-in-the-Middle on Firewalls

The Traditional Role of MITM in Firewalls

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) techniques have historically been a significant component of firewall setups for enterprises. By intercepting and decrypting SSL/TLS traffic, the firewall could inspect the data for malicious content before re-encrypting and sending it to its intended destination. This has long been considered a necessary trade-off to balance security and visibility within an organisation’s network.

Challenges Posed by TLS 1.3

TLS 1.3 introduces several changes that render traditional MITM techniques less effective, or at least more challenging to implement:

  1. Removal of Certain Cipher Suites – TLS 1.3’s trimmed-down list of cipher suites means that older, insecure, but more easily inspectable cipher suites are no longer an option. Firewalls that depended on these for easier decryption will have to adapt.
  2. Mandatory Forward Secrecy – Forward Secrecy ensures that even if a server’s private key is compromised, historical encrypted traffic cannot be decrypted. While this is excellent for privacy and security, it poses a challenge for firewalls that rely on static keys for decryption.
  3. Encrypted Server Parameters – In TLS 1.3, much of the handshake metadata itself is encrypted, making it harder for a MITM device to determine the specifics of the encrypted session. Previously, some firewalls relied on this metadata for decision-making in security policies.
  4. 0-RTT and Session Resumption – Features like Zero Round-Trip Time (0-RTT) for faster session resumption also complicate MITM strategies. Since the client can send encrypted data immediately, firewalls have a smaller window for inspection.

Adaptation Strategies for Firewalls

Given these changes, firewall vendors and security professionals are adapting their MITM approaches. Some of the strategies include:

  • Updating Cipher Suite Support – Firewalls must support the modern cipher suites that TLS 1.3 uses.
  • Dynamic Key Exchange – To accommodate forward secrecy, firewalls are moving toward techniques that allow for dynamic key exchanges between the firewall and the internal servers, effectively “participating” in the handshake rather than merely intercepting it.
  • Protocol Fingerprinting – As a workaround for the loss of visible metadata, some advanced firewalls are developing ways to fingerprint encrypted traffic based on other observable characteristics.
  • Selective Inspection – Given the challenges in decrypting TLS 1.3 traffic, some organisations are opting for a selective approach, focusing on inspecting only the traffic that matches certain risk profiles.

By understanding the technical implications of TLS 1.3 on traditional MITM strategies, organisations can better prepare their firewalls and security postures for the modern web landscape. It’s a shift that calls for proactive adaptation rather than reactive troubleshooting.

Final Thoughts

The progression from TLS 1.2 to TLS 1.3 isn’t just a technical upgrade; it’s a comprehensive overhaul that significantly enhances both security and efficiency. With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, the shift to TLS 1.3 is not just timely but also crucial for safeguarding data exchanges. For enterprises and security experts, understanding these changes is vital for adapting security strategies and ensuring that firewall setups are aligned with contemporary security standards.

Enhancing PCI Compliance and Security with Private APNs

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a crucial regulatory framework that ensures the security and privacy of credit card transactions across various industries. With an increasing number of cyber threats and vulnerabilities, it is essential for businesses that process credit card transactions to stay updated with the latest security practices. One such practice is using a Private Access Point Name (APN) for transmitting sensitive data. While not explicitly required by the PCI DSS, private APNs can provide an additional layer of security for organisations seeking to bolster their network protection.

The Benefits of Private APNs

A private APN is a customised network gateway that allows mobile devices to access a specific private network. By implementing a private APN, organisations can isolate their traffic from public networks, significantly reducing the potential attack surface. This isolation helps to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive cardholder data, thus complementing the security measures outlined in the PCI DSS.

Private APNs offer several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Security: By isolating network traffic, private APNs create an additional barrier against cyber threats and minimise the risk of unauthorised access to sensitive information.
  • Customisation: Private APNs can be tailored to an organisation’s specific security requirements, offering greater control over data transmission and network access.
  • Improved Performance: As private APNs separate an organisation’s traffic from public networks, they can provide better performance and reliability for data transmission.

Complying with PCI DSS

While private APNs can offer valuable security benefits, it is crucial for organisations to remember that they are not a substitute for PCI DSS compliance. To ensure full compliance, businesses should adhere to the specific requirements of the standard, including:

  • Network Security: Implementing robust firewalls, encryption, and secure connections to protect cardholder data.
  • Data Protection: Safeguarding stored cardholder data and ensuring that it is only retained as long as necessary.
  • Vulnerability Management: Regularly updating and patching software to protect against known vulnerabilities.
  • Access Control: Restricting access to cardholder data on a need-to-know basis and implementing strong authentication measures.
  • Monitoring and Testing: Regularly testing and monitoring network resources to detect and address potential security threats.
  • Information Security Policies: Establishing and maintaining clear, up-to-date security policies and procedures.

While not explicitly mandated by the PCI DSS, private APNs can play a valuable role in enhancing your organisation’s network security. By combining the use of private APNs with strict adherence to the PCI DSS requirements, businesses can better protect sensitive cardholder data and mitigate the risks associated with cyber threats.

Greg de Chasteauneuf, Chief Technology Officer of Saicom

7 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Private Cloud Company Over a Public Cloud Hyperscaler

Cloud computing has become an indispensable part of modern business operations. With the rise of public cloud hyperscalers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, organisations have been quick to jump on the bandwagon, leveraging these platforms for their various cloud needs. However, the debate over the benefits of public cloud hyperscalers vs. private cloud providers continues to brew. In this post, I’ll explore several reasons why you should think twice about using hyperscalers and consider private cloud companies instead.

1. Customisation and Flexibility

Hyperscalers offer a broad range of services and features, but they often come with a one-size-fits-all approach. This can lead to a lack of customisation and flexibility for businesses with unique needs. On the other hand, private cloud companies can provide tailor-made solutions specifically designed for your organisation’s requirements. This flexibility allows you to optimise your infrastructure, streamline processes, and ultimately reduce costs.

2. Data Security and Privacy

Data security and privacy are critical concerns for any organisation. While public cloud hyperscalers invest heavily in security measures, their sheer size and popularity make them more attractive targets for cybercriminals. In contrast, private cloud companies can offer a more secure environment, with less exposure to potential threats. Additionally, private cloud providers often have more stringent data privacy policies and can comply with specific industry regulations, ensuring your sensitive information remains protected.

3. Personalised Support

Hyperscalers often cater to a massive client base, which can lead to impersonal and sometimes slow customer support. Private cloud companies, however, are better equipped to offer personalised, dedicated support. They can assign account managers or support teams that intimately understand your organisation’s needs, enabling faster issue resolution and more effective communication.

4. Cost Predictability

Public cloud hyperscalers usually employ a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which can lead to unpredictable costs as your usage scales up or down. This variability can make it difficult for organisations to accurately budget and forecast expenses. Private cloud companies, however, typically offer more predictable pricing structures, including fixed monthly or yearly fees. This predictability allows for better financial planning and cost control.

5. Vendor Lock-in Risks

As organisations become more reliant on hyperscaler services, they may find themselves locked into a specific platform. This dependency can lead to increased costs and reduced flexibility, as migrating to another provider may be time-consuming and expensive. Private cloud companies often provide more open and interoperable solutions, allowing you to avoid vendor lock-in and maintain the freedom to switch providers if necessary.

6. Supporting Local Economies

By choosing a private cloud company, especially those operating within your country or region, you contribute to the growth of local businesses and economies. This not only fosters innovation within your area but also helps support job creation and economic development. Moreover, local private cloud providers are more likely to understand the unique needs and regulations of your region, further enhancing your overall cloud experience.

7. Data Sovereignty

Data sovereignty refers to the legal requirement that an organisation’s data be stored and processed within the borders of a specific country or region. Public cloud hyperscalers, with their global infrastructure, may not always be able to guarantee that your data remains within your desired jurisdiction, which can lead to potential compliance issues. Private cloud companies, particularly those operating locally, are more likely to adhere to data sovereignty requirements and ensure that your data remains within the designated borders. This can help you avoid legal complications and maintain compliance
with local regulations.

While hyperscalers have their advantages, private cloud companies offer a compelling alternative for organisations seeking customisation, flexibility, enhanced security, and personalised support. By carefully evaluating your organisation’s needs and priorities, you can make a more informed decision regarding your cloud provider and enjoy the benefits of a tailored solution that aligns with your unique requirements.

Greg de Chasteauneuf, Chief Technology Officer of Saicom

Unlocking the business benefits of APN technology

Many South African companies had a knee-jerk reaction during COVID and started using whatever connectivity was available to ensure operations could continue while employees worked from home. But what was initially only going to be a 21-day hard lockdown period got extended with varying levels of restrictions, which only ended recently, more than two years later.

This extended lockdown, and subsequent work from home (or from anywhere) model, contributed to a mobile data explosion as SIM cards were purchased in bulk from retailers and distributed to staff.

Between December 2019 and March 2020 (when the lockdown began), Saicom saw a threefold increase in mobile data usage. Since March 2020, until the end of lockdown a few weeks ago, there has been an elevenfold increase in demand for mobile data.

Managing this expanding SIM real estate over the long term has become a challenge for business decision-makers, who are turning to Access Point Name (APN) as a potential solution.

Access point name, or APN for short, is the name of the gateway that connects a mobile network with the internet. Or put another way, the identity of the mobile carrier so that the device knows which carrier network it should connect to. AN APN is like a virtual network overlaid over the Mobile Network Operator (MNO), giving service providers and corporate customers the use of the MNO’s network as an extension of their own.

Despite things returning to a semblance of normality, many organisations are still using APN as a risk mitigation solution and because of its centralised SIM management functionality, businesses have started tapping into numerous other use cases for the technology within their organisations.

Beyond work from home

So, while APN does provide benefits under certain conditions to work from home, such as white and blacklisting applications which employees can and cannot use to reduce mobile data abuse, its potential is so much bigger.

Every industry can benefit from APN. For instance, using telemetry data to improve fleet management for logistics companies. SIMs connected to IoT sensors can proactively monitor truck performance and flag the need for maintenance.

Symbol for connectivity with tracking icons

On the mobile workforce side, APN is about more than simply monitoring mobile workers and salespeople. For companies reliant on deliveries, APN technology is the key to securely connecting and monitoring tablets for delivery drivers to optimise their routes while tracking packages and keeping customers informed throughout the process.

In fact, the location-tracking functionality available through APN enables companies to monitor the whereabouts of any connected equipment, vehicles, products, and even team members. Not only can the security of these assets be improved, but organisations can better manage supply chains to ensure stores maintain stock levels of products that are the most popular. Additionally, APN can facilitate effective machine to machine (M2M) communications to track temperatures of sensitive goods and send alerts when something goes wrong.

The next level

From a consumer perspective, APN makes sense for the spate of connected wearables (think smartwatches) and even connected cars (for insurance purposes).

Person tying shoe laces with wearables and connected apps

While APN is still used today to optimise costs in work from home situations, the technology can also deliver improved security, control, and manageability through a single portal that provides companies with the scalability they need to take care of a mobile workforce.

Ultimately, APN delivers value across a variety of use cases that extends far beyond what many decision-makers thought. And COVID was the catalyst to introduce APN into the workplace with new business cases beyond just connectivity.

Greg de Chasteauneuf, Chief Technology Officer of Saicom

Transitioning to true hybrid work collaboration

Most employees would still like to work remotely at least some of the time, reinforcing the sentiment that we will never return to the fully office-based environment of the past. Embracing the tools and platforms that enable hybrid work will be critical. But these need to balance security and bandwidth concerns with a willingness to improve familiarity with remote solutions and processes.

Central to this, is rethinking how voice and networking technologies can unlock business capabilities. According to the Microsoft State of Work Report, the majority of decision-makers in the US and India believe that the right technology can enable the remote workforce to be very effective. However, handling the transition from a completely remote environment due to the lockdown conditions of the past two years and one that reflects the potential of hybrid will be key to success.

The good news is that there are solutions available that can provide a foundation on which to build an enabling tech-driven work environment.

Cloud Potential

Woman on laptop with headset

The potential of SD-WAN, connectivity, cloud PBX and voice have been made clear even before the pandemic. Despite this, there are business leaders who still do not understand how to get the best out of a more integrated voice and networking environment and learning to optimally collaborate and work from home have become one of the key organisational priorities. Doing so securely while still maintaining a corporate identity and nurturing the company culture are the others.

The result is the establishment of virtual collaboration sites where employees share and edit content, chat to one another, video call, use Web services, and so on. The likes of Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 have become instrumental in providing the means to do so. And now that this has been done, even at a superficial level, companies can further enhance such environments by integrating collaboration with cloud PBX calling.

By injecting direct routing capabilities into these platforms, companies can further accelerate hybrid work and bridge the divide between the old way of working and the new. Even so, McKinsey believes that decision-makers must be aware that the potential for remote work is determined by tasks and activities, not occupations. Across all sectors, 38% of respondents in its survey expect their remote employees to work two or more days a week away from the office after the pandemic, compared to 22% of respondents surveyed before the pandemic.

Physical to virtual

Having voice and cloud voice services connected to the Teams endpoint means collaboration between employees (from an internal perspective) and customers (externally) can take place more effectively than before. This also reduces the number of platforms that the user and company need to support and interact with, significantly simplifying the entire engagement process.
For example, a boardroom takes up a significant amount of office real estate. And how often is it really used? Instead, businesses can deploy huddle rooms where people can collaborate in more manageable environments. They will also use Teams Meeting Rooms as the means to engage with one another. Invariably, this will result in the legacy boardroom shrinking, and the organisation much better able to deliver targeted environments more conducive to teamwork.

Talk anywhere

Woman in coffee shop speaking on her mobile phone

This will also create the impetus to transition from on-premises PBX solutions to cloud-based ones.

Additionally, direct routing can be used to integrate the cloud PBX into the collaboration platforms and employees can be reached on one number, whether at the office or working from home. They can dial out directly from Teams to any telephone number in the world, and access all of this through their mobile devices.

The enhancements in productivity by having an integrated environment cannot be ignored.

However, the security of mobile devices, become more crucial than ever. To this end, mobile device management will become a critical business component as collaboration extends beyond the desktop to the smartphone and tablet.

Platforms like Teams, direct routing technology, and even SD-WAN functionality mean different things to different people. But it all comes down to how the use of these solutions can deliver the strategic value vital to grow the business in a digitally-driven world where hybrid work will be the way of the future.

Ultimately, the organisation must ask itself what it wants to accomplish from this collaborative environment and identifying the quick wins and business use cases can make a significant difference to the company, its people and ultimately, its productivity.

The modern workplace needs to use integrated solutions that deliver a consistent and collaborative experience regardless of whether employees are interfacing face-to-face or remotely. By creating this universal approach to tools and collaboration, companies can significantly improve adoption and engagement as employees embrace this new way of working together.

Michael Ziervogel, GM: Microsoft Division at Saicom


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